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==Rapier Marshallate Organisation==
==Rapier Marshallate Organisation==
Group Rapier Marshals (sections 5.1.1 to 5.1.4) must make quarterly reports to their superiors. Their superior will inform them of the due dates of these reports when their office is confirmed. Reports may not be made public unless approved by the Kingdom Rapier Marshal.
Group Rapier Marshals (sections [[Rapier:Rapier_Administration#Kingdom_Rapier_Marshal|5.1.1]] to [[Rapier:Rapier_Administration#Rapier_Marshals_in_Charge|5.1.4]]) must make quarterly reports to their superiors. Their superior will inform them of the due dates of these reports when their office is confirmed. Reports may not be made public unless approved by the Kingdom Rapier Marshal.
===Kingdom Rapier Marshal===
===Kingdom Rapier Marshal=== The Kingdom Rapier Marshal shall be appointed by the Crown
#The Kingdom Rapier Marshal shall be appointed by the Kingdom Earl Marshal in consultation with the Crown and shall act as a deputy of the Kingdom Earl Marshal.
in consultation with the Kingdom Earl Marshal and shall act
#The Kingdom Rapier Marshal shall report to the Kingdom Earl Marshal and the Society Rapier Marshal.
as a deputy of the Kingdom Earl Marshal.
#The Kingdom Rapier Marshal shall maintain a current Rapier Marshal authorisation. The Kingdom Rapier Marshal shall report to the Kingdom Earl
#The Kingdom Rapier Marshal shall coordinate all Rapier Combat within the Kingdom of Lochac.
Marshal and the Society Rapier Marshal.
#The Kingdom Rapier Marshal shall maintain the rules for rapier combat in consultation with the Kingdom Earl Marshal and the Crown. The Kingdom Rapier Marshal shall maintain a current Rapier
#The Kingdom Rapier Marshal is responsible for implementing disciplinary procedures up to and including suspensions with a specified minimum length and revocation of authorisations.
Marshal (RM) authorisation.
#The Kingdom Rapier Marshal or their representative shall be one of the administrators of the [https://www.facebook.com/groups/358519257540934 Lochac Rapier Facebook page]. The Kingdom Rapier Marshal shall coordinate all Rapier
Combat within the Kingdom of Lochac. The Kingdom Rapier Marshal shall maintain the rules for rapier
combat in consultation with the Kingdom Earl Marshal and the
Crown. The Kingdom Rapier Marshal is responsible for implementing
disciplinary procedures up to and including suspensions with
a specified minimum length and revocation of authorisations. The KRM or their representative shall be one of the
administrators of the Lochac Rapier Facebook page

===Deputy Kingdom Rapier Marshals===
===Deputy Kingdom Rapier Marshals===
====Cut and Thrust====
====Cut and Thrust==== The Kingdom Rapier Marshal shall appoint a deputy
#The Kingdom Rapier Marshal shall appoint a deputy for Cut and Thrust Rapier for the country in which they do not normally reside (the two countries in consideration being Australia and New Zealand).
for Cut and Thrust Rapier for the country in which they
#The Kingdom Rapier Marshal may (if they so choose) appoint a deputy for Cut and Thrust Rapier for their normal country of residence, or may assume this role themselves.
do not normally reside (the two countries in
#The Deputy Kingdom Rapier Marshal(s) for Cut and Thrust (the Deputy) shall report to the Kingdom Rapier Marshal along with Group Rapier Marshals.
consideration being Australia and New Zealand).
#The Deputy shall maintain a current Authorising Cut and Thrust Marshal authorisation. The Kingdom Rapier Marshal may (if they so choose)
#The Deputy shall coordinate Cut and Thrust Rapier activities within the Kingdom as directed by the Kingdom Rapier Marshal and reports on those activities to the Kingdom Rapier Marshal.
appoint a deputy for Cut and Thrust Rapier for their
#The Deputy shall assist training and conduct authorisations of combatants and marshals in Cut and Thrust Rapier.
normal country of residence, or may assume this role
#The Deputy shall advise the Kingdom Rapier Marshal on persons applying to receive the Authorising Cut and Thrust Marshal delegation.
themselves. The Deputy Kingdom Rapier Marshal(s) for Cut and
====Spears/Pole Weapons====
Thrust (the Deputy) shall report to the Kingdom
#The Kingdom Rapier Marshal may appoint a deputy for Spears/Pole Weapons
Rapier Marshal along with Group Rapier Marshals.
#The Deputy Kingdom Rapier Marshal(s) for Spears/Pole Weapons shall report to the Kingdom Rapier Marshal The Deputy shall maintain a current Authorising Cut
#The Deputy shall maintain a current Authorising Spears/Pole Weapons Marshal authorisation.
and Thrust Marshal (ACTM) authorisation.
#The Deputy shall coordinate Spears/Pole Weapons activities within the Kingdom as directed by the Kingdom Rapier Marshal and reports on those activities to the Kingdom Rapier Marshal. The Deputy shall coordinate Cut and Thrust Rapier
#The Deputy shall assist training and conduct authorisations of combatants and marshals in Spears/Pole Weapons.
activities within the Kingdom as directed by the
#The Deputy shall advise the Kingdom Rapier Marshal on persons applying to receive the Authorising Spears/Pole Weapons Marshal delegation
Kingdom Rapier Marshal and reports on those
activities to the Kingdom Rapier Marshal.
====Youth Rapier==== The Deputy shall assist training and conduct
#The Kingdom Rapier Marshal may appoint a deputy for Youth Rapier
authorisations of combatants and marshals in Cut and
#The Deputy Kingdom Rapier Marshal(s) for Youth Rapier shall report to the Kingdom Rapier Marshal and also to the Kingdom Youth Combat Marshal
Thrust Rapier.
#The Deputy shall maintain current SCA Lochac requirements for working with youth and also Authorising Youth Rapier Marshal authorisation. The Deputy shall advise the Kingdom Rapier Marshal
#The Deputy shall coordinate Youth Rapier activities within the Kingdom as directed by the Kingdom Rapier Marshal and reports on those activities to the Kingdom Rapier Marshal and also to the Kingdom Youth Combat Marshal
on persons applying to receive the Authorising Cut
#The Deputy shall assist training and conduct authorisations of combatants and marshals in Youth Rapier.
and Thrust Marshal delegation.
#The Deputy shall advise the Kingdom Rapier Marshal on persons applying to receive the Authorising Youth Rapier Marshal delegation.
===Spears/Pole Weapons=== The Kingdom Rapier Marshal may appoint a deputy for
Spears/Pole weapons The Deputy Kingdom Rapier Marshal(s) for
Spears/Pole weapons shall report to the Kingdom
Rapier Marshal The Deputy shall maintain a current Authorising
Spears/Pole weapons Marshal authorisation. The Deputy shall coordinate Spears/Pole weapons
activities within the Kingdom as directed by the
Kingdom Rapier Marshal and reports on those
activities to the Kingdom Rapier Marshal. The Deputy shall assist training and conduct
authorisations of combatants and marshals in
Spears/Pole weapons. The Deputy shall advise the Kingdom Rapier Marshal
on persons applying to receive the Authorising
Spears/Pole weapons Marshal delegation
===Youth Rapier=== The Kingdom Rapier Marshal may appoint a deputy for
Youth Rapier The Deputy Kingdom Rapier Marshal(s) for Youth
Rapier shall report to the Kingdom Rapier Marshal and
also to the Kingdom Youth Combat Marshal The Deputy shall maintain current SCA Lochac
requirements for working with youth and also
Authorising Youth Rapier Marshal authorisation. The Deputy shall coordinate Youth Rapier activities
within the Kingdom as directed by the Kingdom Rapier
Marshal and reports on those activities to the Kingdom  
Rapier Marshal and also to the Kingdom Youth Combat
Marshal The Deputy shall assist training and conduct
authorisations of combatants and marshals in Youth
Rapier. The Deputy shall advise the Kingdom Rapier Marshal
on persons applying to receive the Authorising Youth
Rapier Marshal delegation
===Group Rapier Marshals===
===Group Rapier Marshals=== Group Rapier Marshals shall be appointed and registered by
#Group Rapier Marshals shall be appointed and registered by the Kingdom Rapier Marshal in consultation with the local Seneschal. They are direct deputies of and shall report to the Kingdom Rapier Marshal as well as report as required to the group Seneschal.
the appropriate Principality Rapier Marshal or the Kingdom
#The Group Rapier Marshals shall maintain a current Rapier Marshal authorisation. Where needed, alternative authorisation requirements may be sought from the Kingdom Rapier Marshal by the candidate in conjunction with the local Seneschal.
Rapier Marshal in consultation with the local Seneschal. They
#Group Rapier Marshals shall coordinate Rapier Combat in their respective groups and oversee the rapier activities of their subgroups, in particular collecting group reports from the subgroup officer.
are direct deputies of and shall report to the appropriate
#Group Rapier Marshals shall ensure that a qualified marshal is appointed as the "Rapier Marshal in Charge" of any event sponsored by their Group.
Principality Marshal or the Kingdom Rapier Marshal as well as
#Group Rapier Marshals shall ensure that the Rapier Marshal in Charge of each event sponsored by that group files all the necessary reports within 30 days of the event, and that a copy of this report is forwarded to their superior.
report as required to the group Seneschal.
#Group Rapier Marshals shall report breaches of the safety regulations and disciplinary actions taken by the Rapier Marshals in Charge of events to ensure that further disciplinary action can be taken where appropriate. The Group Rapier Marshals shall maintain a current Rapier
Marshal (RM) authorisation. Where needed, alternative
===Rapier Marshals in Charge ===
authorisation requirements may be sought from the Kingdom
#Rapier Marshals in Charge shall possess a current Rapier Marshal authorisation.
Rapier Marshal by the candidate in conjunction with the local
#Rapier Marshals in Charge shall oversee all aspects of safety and proper conduct of rapier combat at an event (including official practice sessions).
#Rapier Marshals in Charge shall select the marshals to assist with an event. Group Rapier Marshals shall coordinate Rapier Combat in
#Rapier Marshals in Charge may suspend combatants from fighting for the duration of the event. Details of these actions must be included in event report
their respective groups and oversee the rapier activities of
#Rapier Marshals in Charge may not participate in any Rapier Combat during the event if they are the only marshal present. They may not marshal their own bout.
their subgroups, in particular collecting group reports from
#Rapier Marshals in Charge need not be constantly present in the vicinity of all rapier combat, but must be readily accessible to any Marshal of a particular bout at the event for which they are Rapier Marshal in Charge.
the subgroup officer.
#Rapier Marshals in Charge must submit an event report to their Group Rapier Marshal that includes: Group Rapier Marshals shall ensure that a qualified marshal
##The name of the Rapier Marshal in Charge and the names of all the Marshals who assisted.
is appointed as the "Rapier Marshal in Charge" of any event
##A list of all authorisations, whether successful or not, and the results of those attempts.
sponsored by their Group.
##The names of all the participants in Rapier Combat. Group Rapier Marshals shall ensure that the Rapier Marshal
##A description of any problems or disputes that occurred during the fighting, and of any injuries that occurred.
in Charge of each event sponsored by that group files all the
##A list of those combatants who were suspended from fighting for the duration of the event, the reasons for the suspensions and recommendations for any higher level disciplinary action they consider that might be required.
necessary reports within 30 days of the event, and that a
##Details of any Cut and Thrust Rapier activities done during the event.
copy of this report is forwarded to their superior. Group Rapier Marshals shall report breaches of the safety
regulations and disciplinary actions taken by the RMICs of
events to ensure that further disciplinary action can be taken
where appropriate.
===Rapier Marshals in Charge (RMIC)=== Rapier Marshals in Charge shall possess a current Rapier
Marshal (RM) authorisation. RMICs shall oversee all aspects of safety and proper conduct
of rapier combat at an event (including official practice
sessions). RMICs shall select the marshals to assist with an event. RMICs may suspend combatants from fighting for the
duration of the event. Details of these actions must be
included in event report RMICs may not participate in any Rapier Combat during the
event if he/she is the only marshal present. They may not
marshal their own bout. RMICs need not be constantly present in the vicinity of all
rapier combat, but must be readily accessible to any Marshal
of a particular bout at the event for which they are RMIC. RMICs must submit an event report to their Group Rapier
Marshal that includes:
(a) The name of the Rapier Marshal in Charge and the
names of all the Marshals who assisted.
(b) A list of all authorisations, whether successful or
not, and the results of those attempts.
(c) The names of all the participants in Rapier Combat.
(d) A description of any problems or disputes that
occurred during the fighting, and of any injuries that
(e) A list of those combatants who were suspended from
fighting for the duration of the event, the reasons for
the suspensions and recommendations for any higher
level disciplinary action they consider that might be
(f) Details of any Cut and Thrust Rapier activities done
during the event.
===Rapier Combatants===
===Rapier Combatants=== Any authorised rapier combatant may supervise (marshal)
#Any authorised rapier combatant may supervise (marshal) rapier combat at the discretion of the Rapier Marshal in Charge (see [[Rapier:Rapier_Administration#Conduct_of_Combat|]]).
rapier combat at the discretion of the Rapier Marshal in
Charge (see

==Rapier Events==
==Rapier Events==
5.2.1 Equipment Inspection
===Equipment Inspection=== At least one authorised rapier marshal must be present to
#At least one authorised rapier marshal must be present to perform equipment inspections.
perform equipment inspections.
#The rapier marshal conducting equipment inspection shall not damage a combatant's equipment unduly, such as by excessively bending the combatant's weapon blade to test flexibility or curvature, or performing the [[Rapier:Equipment_Specifications#Standard_Fencing_Armour_Test|Standard Fencing Armour Test]] on the combatant's protective equipment improperly. The rapier marshal conducting equipment inspection shall not
##If such testing is necessary it is preferable that the [[Rapier:Equipment_Specifications#Standard_Fencing_Armour_Test|Standard Fencing Armour Test]] be performed on a sample of the combatant's protective equipment provided the sample has been sewn to the equipment from the time the item was made.
damage a combatant's equipment unduly, such as by
##When checking for groin protection the rapier marshal shall ask the combatant to self-test.
excessively bending the combatant's weapon blade to test
#Equipment may not be used on the field until approved by an inspecting rapier marshal. Equipment that fails the field inspection may be modified or repaired to meet the equipment standards, and then returned to the inspecting rapier marshal for approval.
flexibility or curvature, or performing the SFAT on the
#An appeal can be made on any equipment that fails the field inspection. Such appeals are addressed to the Rapier Marshal in Charge first, then the Group Rapier Marshal (if applicable) and finally to the Kingdom Rapier Marshal who will make a final decision. The equipment may not be used until the appeal is resolved.
combatant's protective equipment improperly.
(a) If such testing is necessary it is preferable that the
===Conduct of Combat===
SFAT be performed on a sample of the combatant's
#Because of the nature of the weapons being used, marshals, and combatants should pay special attention to tips missing or broken, and for badly bent or fatigued blades.
protective equipment provided the sample has been
#The marshal supervising a bout or melee shall enforce the rules and canon governing rapier combat. If infractions occur during a bout, the supervising marshal shall warn the combatants involved and take steps to prevent their recurrence.
sewn to the equipment from the time the item was
#If no other solutions are workable, the Rapier Marshal in Charge may suspend a combatant and remove them from the competition field for the duration of the event for any of the following reasons. (If the Rapier Marshal in Charge is not available during the bout, the supervising marshal may take this action, thereafter reporting to the Rapier Marshal in Charge.)
##The combatant has made their third violation of the rules during a bout.
(b) When checking for groin protection the rapier
##The combatant, through demonstration of behaviour on the field, poses a risk to the safety of themselves or others and the supervising marshal believes that the combatant shall continue to pose a risk regardless of verbal warning.
marshal shall ask the combatant to self-test.
##The combatant refuses to obey the legal commands of the marshals supervising the combat. All infractions of this type shall be reported to the Rapier Marshal in Charge, as they must be included in the event report. Equipment may not be used on the field until approved by an
#Any rapier combatant who has been suspended may not participate further in any Rapier Combat until the suspension has been resolved. For such resolution, the case must go to the Group Rapier Marshal for a ruling in consultation with the Kingdom Rapier Marshal.
inspecting rapier marshal. Equipment that fails the field
#Unsafe or excessive force blows shall be discussed on the field, and failing a mutually satisfactory resolution, the aggrieved combatant may write an official letter of complaint to the Group Rapier Marshal for due consideration in consultation with the Kingdom Rapier Marshal. The accused combatant shall be made aware of the existence of such a letter and the nature of the complaint.
inspection may be modified or repaired to meet the
#At the end of a combat the supervising marshal shall ask whether the combatants are satisfied. Any combatant who leaves the field without stating a problem is declaring their satisfaction with the outcome of the combat. Disagreements with the Marshallate shall be resolved off the field through the appropriate Kingdom grievance and appeal procedures.
equipment standards, and then returned to the inspecting
#Supervising marshals shall report immediately to the Rapier Marshal in Charge any injury where the fencer was unable to continue participating, or required the attention of a health professional (e.g. Doctor, Registered Nurse, Chiropractor, or Paramedic). The Rapier Marshal in Charge shall report any such injury to the Group Rapier marshal and Kingdom Rapier Marshal within 24 hours. The Kingdom Rapier Marshal will investigate the incident and provide a report to the Kingdom Earl Marshal within 10 days of the incident being reported.
rapier marshal for approval.
#If for any reason it becomes impossible to conduct Rapier Combat safely and in accordance with the rules, or if any officer acting with their due authority removes sanction from an event, the Rapier Marshal in Charge shall cooperate to halt all Rapier Combat at the event. If the Rapier Marshal in Charge makes this determination but is unable to stop Rapier Combat then they must withdraw sanction for Rapier Combat from the event. This action and why it was taken must be included in the event report, and all efforts made to immediately contact the Kingdom Rapier Marshal and sponsoring Group Seneschal An appeal can be made on any equipment that fails the field
#An attending marshal (chosen by the Rapier Marshal in Charge from the available rapier combatants and rapier marshals) must supervise all rapier combat bouts. No marshal may supervise combat they are participating in. The Rapier Marshal in Charge shall delegate additional marshals to supervise the marshalling of each bout if more than one is being run at any given time:
inspection. Such appeals are addressed to the RMIC first,
##Each bout of 2 combatants shall be supervised by at least 1 marshal. If the bout is part of a tournament it is recommended that there be an additional marshal.
then the Group Rapier Marshal (if applicable) and finally to
##In a melee (more than 2 combatants) there shall be at least 1 rapier marshal for every 8 combatants. For example, a field of 8 to 16 combatants requires 2 marshals, a field of 17 to 24 requires 3 marshals and so forth. The Rapier Marshal in Charge shall provide procedures for the identification and removal of "dead" combatants, removal of abandoned equipment, rules of engagement and rules for engaging from behind.
the Kingdom Rapier Marshal who will make a final decision.
##If there are not enough marshals available, then the number of bouts or number of combatants in melees being run at any given time must be reduced to match the number of marshals. In no case is a bout or melee to be run without a Rapier Marshal to supervise the combat.
The equipment may not be used until the appeal is resolved.
5.2.2 Conduct of Combat Because of the nature of the weapons being used, marshals,
and combatants should pay special attention to tips missing
or broken, and for badly bent or fatigued blades. The marshal supervising a bout or melee shall enforce the
rules and canon governing rapier combat. If infractions occur
during a bout, the supervising marshal shall warn the
combatants involved and take steps to prevent their
recurrence. If no other solutions are workable, the Rapier Marshal in
Charge may suspend a combatant and remove him/her from
the competition field for the duration of the event for any of
the following reasons. (If the Rapier Marshal in Charge is not
available during the bout, the supervising marshal may take
this action, thereafter reporting to the Rapier Marshal in
(a) The combatant has made his/her third violation of
the rules during a bout.
(b) The combatant, through demonstration of behaviour
on the field, poses a risk to the safety of him/herself
or others and the supervising marshal believes that
the combatant shall continue to pose a risk regardless
of verbal warning.
(c) The combatant refuses to obey the legal commands
of the marshals supervising the combat.
All infractions of this type shall be reported to the Rapier
Marshal in Charge, as they must be included in the event
report. Any rapier combatant who has been suspended may not
participate further in any Rapier Combat until the suspension
has been resolved. For such resolution the case must go to
the Group Rapier Marshal for a ruling in consultation with the
Kingdom Rapier Marshal. Unsafe or excessive force blows shall be discussed on the
field, and failing a mutually satisfactory resolution, the
aggrieved combatant may write an official letter of complaint
to the Group Rapier Marshal for due consideration in
consultation with the Kingdom Rapier Marshal. The accused
combatant shall be made aware of the existence of such a
letter and the nature of the complaint. At the end of a combat the supervising marshal shall ask
whether the combatants are satisfied. Any combatant who
leaves the field without stating a problem is declaring their
satisfaction with the outcome of the combat. Disagreements
with the Marshallate shall be resolved off the field through the
appropriate Kingdom grievance and appeal procedures. Supervising marshals shall report immediately to the Rapier
Marshal in Charge any injury where the fencer was unable to
continue participating, or required the attention of a health
professional (e.g. Doctor, Registered Nurse, Chiropractor, or
Paramedic). The RMIC shall report any such injury to the
Group Rapier marshal and Kingdom Rapier Marshal within 24
hours. The Kingdom Rapier Marshal will investigate the
incident and provide a report to the Kingdom Earl Marshal
within 10 days of the incident being reported. If for any reason it becomes impossible to conduct Rapier
Combat safely and in accordance with the rules, or if any
officer acting with their due authority removes sanction from
an event, the Rapier Marshal in Charge shall cooperate to halt
all Rapier Combat at the event. If the Rapier Marshal in
Charge makes this determination but is unable to stop Rapier
Combat then he/she must withdraw sanction for Rapier
Combat from the event. This action and why it was taken
must be included in the event report, and all efforts made to
immediately contact the Kingdom Rapier Marshal and
sponsoring Group Seneschal An attending marshal chosen by the RMIC from the
available rapier combatants and rapier marshals -- must
supervise all rapier combat bouts. No marshal may supervise
combat they are participating in. The Rapier Marshal in
Charge shall delegate additional marshals to supervise the
Marshalling of each bout if more than one is being run at any
given time:
(a) Each bout of 2 combatants shall be supervised by at
least 1 marshal. If the bout is part of a tournament it
is recommended that there be an additional marshal.
(b) In a melee (more than 2 combatants) there shall be
at least 1 rapier marshal for every 8 combatants. For
example, a field of 8 to 16 combatants requires two
marshals, a field of 17 to 24 requires three marshals
and so forth. The Rapier Marshal in Charge shall
provide procedures for the identification and removal
of "dead" combatants, removal of abandoned
equipment, rules of engagement and rules for
engaging from behind.
(c) If there are not enough marshals available then the
number of bouts or number of combatants in melees
being run at any given time must be reduced to
match the number of marshals. In no case is a bout
or melee to be run without a Rapier Marshal (RM) to
supervise the combat.

==Disciplinary Action==
==Disciplinary Action==
5.3.1 Combatants
===Combatants=== Any combatant who is suspended from fighting at an event,
#Any combatant who is suspended from fighting at an event, or for whom the Kingdom Rapier Marshal has received 3 letters of complaint, shall have their combat authorisation automatically temporarily suspended. This suspension shall last no longer than is required for the Group Rapier Marshal to conduct an inquiry into the situation, or 6 weeks, whichever is the lesser (unless otherwise approved by the Earl Marshal). The results of the inquiry are to be notified to the Kingdom Rapier Marshal, who shall forward this information along with a recommendation of action to be taken to the Earl Marshal.
or for whom the KRM has received 3 letters of complaint, shall
#In the event that the suspended combatant is a Group Rapier Marshal, the inquiry shall be undertaken by the Kingdom Rapier Marshal.
have their combat authorisation automatically temporarily
#The Earl Marshal's determination (which may include suspension of authorisation, mandatory retraining or other outcomes as are appropriate to the situation) shall be communicated to the Kingdom Rapier Marshal, Group Marshal, and combatant.
suspended. This suspension shall last no longer than is
#Upon receiving a suspension or retraining notification, the combatant, in conjunction with their local Group Rapier Marshal must make arrangements for retraining under an Authorising Rapier Marshal (or an Authorising Cut and Thrust Marshal if applicable). Retraining shall continue until the appointed trainer feels that the combatant has overcome the problems that resulted in the suspension.
required for the Group Rapier Marshal to conduct an inquiry
#Once retraining is completed, the Group Rapier Marshal shall arrange a re-authorisation bout for the combatant with two impartial Authorising Rapier Marshals (or two Authorising Cut and Thrust Marshals if applicable). The trainer shall provide a report to the impartial marshals prior to the reauthorisation, outlining the training undertaken. Both marshals must agree that the suspended combatant has overcome the problems that resulted in the suspension. If the combatant is found acceptable, the impartial marshals shall then complete the authorisation paperwork, and the Group Rapier Marshall shall forward it to the Kingdom Rapier Marshal, along with the trainer's report. If the combatant is not found acceptable, the marshals shall discuss further requirements they feel necessary with both the combatant and their trainer and report their decision to the Group Rapier Marshal and Kingdom Rapier Marshal.
into the situation, or 6 weeks, whichever is the lesser (unless
#Upon receiving the re-authorisation paperwork, the Kingdom Rapier Marshal shall ensure that the reauthorisation process has been followed correctly, and if satisfied, shall notify the suspended combatant in writing that the suspension has been lifted.
otherwise approved by the Earl Marshal). The results of the
#Any combatant who is reinstated after a suspension shall be placed on probation for a 12 month period. Any probationary combatant who is suspended shall have their authorisation revoked for 12 months. After an authorisation revocation, the combatant must restart the authorisation process from the beginning as a new combatant.
inquiry are to be notified to the KRM, who shall forward this
#Any combatant who has their authorisation revoked twice shall be recommended to the Earl Marshal and Crown by the Kingdom Rapier Marshal for permanent revocation of their rapier authorisations.
information along with a recommendation of action to be
#Combatants who knowingly take the field with equipment not approved by the inspecting rapier marshals shall have their authorisation suspended for a period of 12 months, subject to review by the Kingdom Rapier Marshal.
taken to the Earl Marshal. In the event that the suspended combatant is a Group Rapier
Marshal, the inquiry shall be undertaken by the KRM.
#Any marshal who knowingly allows a combatant to engage in combat with any equipment that does not pass safety standards shall have their Marshallate authorisation suspended for a period of not less than two years, subject to review by the Kingdom Rapier Marshal. The Earl Marshal’s determination (which may include
#Any marshal, for whom the Kingdom Rapier Marshal has received 3 letters of complaint, shall have their Marshallate authorisation temporarily suspended. The Kingdom Rapier Marshal shall then establish the factual basis of the complaints. If the Kingdom Rapier Marshal upholds the suspension, they shall then notify the marshal and the local Group Rapier Marshal that the marshal's authorisation has been suspended.
suspension of authorisation, mandatory retraining or other
#Any marshal, who has their rapier combat authorisations suspended, shall also have their rapier marshallate authorisation suspended. Rapier marshallate authorisations cannot be reinstated until the probation period has expired, after which they must retake the marshallate authorisation examination.
outcomes as are appropriate to the situation) shall be
communicated to the KRM, Group Marshal, and combatant.
===Appeals=== Upon receiving a suspension or retraining notification, the
#All Marshallate decisions regarding suspensions and authorisation revocations may be appealed.
combatant, in conjunction with their local Group Rapier
#Appeals shall first be directed to the Rapier Marshal in Charge, then the Group Rapier Marshal, the Kingdom Rapier Marshal, and finally the Kingdom Earl Marshal. Appeals against the decisions of the Kingdom Earl Marshal shall be heard by the Crown.
Marshal must make arrangements for retraining under an
#In all cases of appeals, the grievance procedure as specified in Lochac Kingdom Law shall apply. In the event of differences between Lochac Kingdom Law and this text, Lochac Kingdom Law shall have precedence.
Authorising Rapier Marshal (or an Authorising Cut and Thrust
#Appeals against rulings shall only be taken to a higher authority, if a satisfactory resolution cannot be found at a lower level. A lower authority cannot overrule rulings made by a higher authority.
marshal if applicable). Retraining shall continue until the
#All appeals must be lodged within 72 hours of being informed of the decision. Appeals to a higher authority must be lodged in writing (electronic mail, surface mail or fax).
appointed trainer feels that the combatant has overcome the
problems that resulted in the suspension. Once retraining is completed, the Group Rapier Marshal shall
arrange a re-authorisation bout for the combatant with 2
impartial authorising rapier marshals (or two authorising cut
and thrust rapier marshals if applicable). The trainer shall
provide a report to the impartial marshals prior to the
reauthorisation, outlining the training undertaken. Both
marshals must agree that the suspended combatant has
overcome the problems that resulted in the suspension. If the
combatant is found acceptable, the impartial marshals shall
then complete the authorisation paperwork, and the Group
Rapier Marshall shall forward it to the KRM, along with the
trainer's report. If the combatant is not found acceptable, the
marshals shall discuss further requirements they feel
necessary with both the combatant and their trainer and
report their decision to the Group Rapier Marshal and KRM Upon receiving the re-authorisation paperwork, the KRM shall
ensure that the reauthorisation process has been followed
correctly, and if satisfied shall notify the suspended
combatant in writing that the suspension has been lifted. Any combatant who is reinstated after a suspension shall be
placed on probation for a 12 month period. Any probationary
combatant who is suspended shall have their authorisation
revoked for 12 months. After an authorisation revocation, the
combatant must restart the authorisation process from the
beginning as a new combatant. Any combatant who has their authorisation revoked twice
shall be recommended to the Earl Marshal and Crown by the
KRM for permanent revocation of their rapier authorisations. Combatants who knowingly take the field with equipment not
approved by the inspecting rapier marshals shall have their
authorisation suspended for a period of 12 months, subject
to review by the Kingdom Rapier Marshal.
5.3.2 Marshals Any marshal who knowingly allows a combatant to engage in
combat with any equipment that does not pass safety
standards shall have their Marshallate authorisation
suspended for a period of not less than two years, subject to
review by the Kingdom Rapier Marshal. Any marshal, for whom the KRM has received 3 letters of
complaint, shall have their Marshallate authorisation
temporarily suspended. The KRM shall then establish the
factual basis of the complaints. If the KRM upholds the
suspension, they shall then notify the marshal and the local
Group Rapier Marshal that the marshal's authorisation has
been suspended. Any marshal, who has their rapier combat authorisations
suspended, shall also have their rapier marshallate
authorisation suspended. Rapier marshallate authorisations
cannot be reinstated until the probation period has expired,
after which they must retake the marshallate authorisation
5.3.3 Appeals All Marshallate decisions regarding suspensions and
authorisation revocations may be appealed. Appeals shall first be directed to the RMIC, then the Group
Rapier Marshal, the Kingdom Rapier Marshal, and finally the
Kingdom Earl Marshal. Appeals against the decisions of the
Kingdom Earl Marshal shall be heard by the Crown in a
Quarter Court. In all cases of appeals, the grievance procedure as specified
in Lochac Kingdom Law shall apply. In the event of differences
between Lochac Kingdom Law and this text, Lochac Kingdom
Law shall have precedence. Appeals against rulings shall only be taken to a higher
authority, if a satisfactory resolution cannot be found at a
lower level. A lower authority cannot overrule rulings made
by a higher authority. All appeals must be lodged within 72 hours of being informed
of the decision. Appeals to a higher authority must be lodged
in writing (electronic mail, surface mail or fax).

[[Category:Rapier Handbook|E]]
[[Category:Rapier Handbook|E]]

Latest revision as of 06:11, 19 July 2019

Rapier Marshallate Organisation

Group Rapier Marshals (sections 5.1.1 to 5.1.4) must make quarterly reports to their superiors. Their superior will inform them of the due dates of these reports when their office is confirmed. Reports may not be made public unless approved by the Kingdom Rapier Marshal.

Kingdom Rapier Marshal

  1. The Kingdom Rapier Marshal shall be appointed by the Kingdom Earl Marshal in consultation with the Crown and shall act as a deputy of the Kingdom Earl Marshal.
  2. The Kingdom Rapier Marshal shall report to the Kingdom Earl Marshal and the Society Rapier Marshal.
  3. The Kingdom Rapier Marshal shall maintain a current Rapier Marshal authorisation.
  4. The Kingdom Rapier Marshal shall coordinate all Rapier Combat within the Kingdom of Lochac.
  5. The Kingdom Rapier Marshal shall maintain the rules for rapier combat in consultation with the Kingdom Earl Marshal and the Crown.
  6. The Kingdom Rapier Marshal is responsible for implementing disciplinary procedures up to and including suspensions with a specified minimum length and revocation of authorisations.
  7. The Kingdom Rapier Marshal or their representative shall be one of the administrators of the Lochac Rapier Facebook page.

Deputy Kingdom Rapier Marshals

Cut and Thrust

  1. The Kingdom Rapier Marshal shall appoint a deputy for Cut and Thrust Rapier for the country in which they do not normally reside (the two countries in consideration being Australia and New Zealand).
  2. The Kingdom Rapier Marshal may (if they so choose) appoint a deputy for Cut and Thrust Rapier for their normal country of residence, or may assume this role themselves.
  3. The Deputy Kingdom Rapier Marshal(s) for Cut and Thrust (the Deputy) shall report to the Kingdom Rapier Marshal along with Group Rapier Marshals.
  4. The Deputy shall maintain a current Authorising Cut and Thrust Marshal authorisation.
  5. The Deputy shall coordinate Cut and Thrust Rapier activities within the Kingdom as directed by the Kingdom Rapier Marshal and reports on those activities to the Kingdom Rapier Marshal.
  6. The Deputy shall assist training and conduct authorisations of combatants and marshals in Cut and Thrust Rapier.
  7. The Deputy shall advise the Kingdom Rapier Marshal on persons applying to receive the Authorising Cut and Thrust Marshal delegation.

Spears/Pole Weapons

  1. The Kingdom Rapier Marshal may appoint a deputy for Spears/Pole Weapons
  2. The Deputy Kingdom Rapier Marshal(s) for Spears/Pole Weapons shall report to the Kingdom Rapier Marshal
  3. The Deputy shall maintain a current Authorising Spears/Pole Weapons Marshal authorisation.
  4. The Deputy shall coordinate Spears/Pole Weapons activities within the Kingdom as directed by the Kingdom Rapier Marshal and reports on those activities to the Kingdom Rapier Marshal.
  5. The Deputy shall assist training and conduct authorisations of combatants and marshals in Spears/Pole Weapons.
  6. The Deputy shall advise the Kingdom Rapier Marshal on persons applying to receive the Authorising Spears/Pole Weapons Marshal delegation

Youth Rapier

  1. The Kingdom Rapier Marshal may appoint a deputy for Youth Rapier
  2. The Deputy Kingdom Rapier Marshal(s) for Youth Rapier shall report to the Kingdom Rapier Marshal and also to the Kingdom Youth Combat Marshal
  3. The Deputy shall maintain current SCA Lochac requirements for working with youth and also Authorising Youth Rapier Marshal authorisation.
  4. The Deputy shall coordinate Youth Rapier activities within the Kingdom as directed by the Kingdom Rapier Marshal and reports on those activities to the Kingdom Rapier Marshal and also to the Kingdom Youth Combat Marshal
  5. The Deputy shall assist training and conduct authorisations of combatants and marshals in Youth Rapier.
  6. The Deputy shall advise the Kingdom Rapier Marshal on persons applying to receive the Authorising Youth Rapier Marshal delegation.

Group Rapier Marshals

  1. Group Rapier Marshals shall be appointed and registered by the Kingdom Rapier Marshal in consultation with the local Seneschal. They are direct deputies of and shall report to the Kingdom Rapier Marshal as well as report as required to the group Seneschal.
  2. The Group Rapier Marshals shall maintain a current Rapier Marshal authorisation. Where needed, alternative authorisation requirements may be sought from the Kingdom Rapier Marshal by the candidate in conjunction with the local Seneschal.
  3. Group Rapier Marshals shall coordinate Rapier Combat in their respective groups and oversee the rapier activities of their subgroups, in particular collecting group reports from the subgroup officer.
  4. Group Rapier Marshals shall ensure that a qualified marshal is appointed as the "Rapier Marshal in Charge" of any event sponsored by their Group.
  5. Group Rapier Marshals shall ensure that the Rapier Marshal in Charge of each event sponsored by that group files all the necessary reports within 30 days of the event, and that a copy of this report is forwarded to their superior.
  6. Group Rapier Marshals shall report breaches of the safety regulations and disciplinary actions taken by the Rapier Marshals in Charge of events to ensure that further disciplinary action can be taken where appropriate.

Rapier Marshals in Charge

  1. Rapier Marshals in Charge shall possess a current Rapier Marshal authorisation.
  2. Rapier Marshals in Charge shall oversee all aspects of safety and proper conduct of rapier combat at an event (including official practice sessions).
  3. Rapier Marshals in Charge shall select the marshals to assist with an event.
  4. Rapier Marshals in Charge may suspend combatants from fighting for the duration of the event. Details of these actions must be included in event report
  5. Rapier Marshals in Charge may not participate in any Rapier Combat during the event if they are the only marshal present. They may not marshal their own bout.
  6. Rapier Marshals in Charge need not be constantly present in the vicinity of all rapier combat, but must be readily accessible to any Marshal of a particular bout at the event for which they are Rapier Marshal in Charge.
  7. Rapier Marshals in Charge must submit an event report to their Group Rapier Marshal that includes:
    1. The name of the Rapier Marshal in Charge and the names of all the Marshals who assisted.
    2. A list of all authorisations, whether successful or not, and the results of those attempts.
    3. The names of all the participants in Rapier Combat.
    4. A description of any problems or disputes that occurred during the fighting, and of any injuries that occurred.
    5. A list of those combatants who were suspended from fighting for the duration of the event, the reasons for the suspensions and recommendations for any higher level disciplinary action they consider that might be required.
    6. Details of any Cut and Thrust Rapier activities done during the event.

Rapier Combatants

  1. Any authorised rapier combatant may supervise (marshal) rapier combat at the discretion of the Rapier Marshal in Charge (see

Rapier Events

Equipment Inspection

  1. At least one authorised rapier marshal must be present to perform equipment inspections.
  2. The rapier marshal conducting equipment inspection shall not damage a combatant's equipment unduly, such as by excessively bending the combatant's weapon blade to test flexibility or curvature, or performing the Standard Fencing Armour Test on the combatant's protective equipment improperly.
    1. If such testing is necessary it is preferable that the Standard Fencing Armour Test be performed on a sample of the combatant's protective equipment provided the sample has been sewn to the equipment from the time the item was made.
    2. When checking for groin protection the rapier marshal shall ask the combatant to self-test.
  3. Equipment may not be used on the field until approved by an inspecting rapier marshal. Equipment that fails the field inspection may be modified or repaired to meet the equipment standards, and then returned to the inspecting rapier marshal for approval.
  4. An appeal can be made on any equipment that fails the field inspection. Such appeals are addressed to the Rapier Marshal in Charge first, then the Group Rapier Marshal (if applicable) and finally to the Kingdom Rapier Marshal who will make a final decision. The equipment may not be used until the appeal is resolved.

Conduct of Combat

  1. Because of the nature of the weapons being used, marshals, and combatants should pay special attention to tips missing or broken, and for badly bent or fatigued blades.
  2. The marshal supervising a bout or melee shall enforce the rules and canon governing rapier combat. If infractions occur during a bout, the supervising marshal shall warn the combatants involved and take steps to prevent their recurrence.
  3. If no other solutions are workable, the Rapier Marshal in Charge may suspend a combatant and remove them from the competition field for the duration of the event for any of the following reasons. (If the Rapier Marshal in Charge is not available during the bout, the supervising marshal may take this action, thereafter reporting to the Rapier Marshal in Charge.)
    1. The combatant has made their third violation of the rules during a bout.
    2. The combatant, through demonstration of behaviour on the field, poses a risk to the safety of themselves or others and the supervising marshal believes that the combatant shall continue to pose a risk regardless of verbal warning.
    3. The combatant refuses to obey the legal commands of the marshals supervising the combat. All infractions of this type shall be reported to the Rapier Marshal in Charge, as they must be included in the event report.
  4. Any rapier combatant who has been suspended may not participate further in any Rapier Combat until the suspension has been resolved. For such resolution, the case must go to the Group Rapier Marshal for a ruling in consultation with the Kingdom Rapier Marshal.
  5. Unsafe or excessive force blows shall be discussed on the field, and failing a mutually satisfactory resolution, the aggrieved combatant may write an official letter of complaint to the Group Rapier Marshal for due consideration in consultation with the Kingdom Rapier Marshal. The accused combatant shall be made aware of the existence of such a letter and the nature of the complaint.
  6. At the end of a combat the supervising marshal shall ask whether the combatants are satisfied. Any combatant who leaves the field without stating a problem is declaring their satisfaction with the outcome of the combat. Disagreements with the Marshallate shall be resolved off the field through the appropriate Kingdom grievance and appeal procedures.
  7. Supervising marshals shall report immediately to the Rapier Marshal in Charge any injury where the fencer was unable to continue participating, or required the attention of a health professional (e.g. Doctor, Registered Nurse, Chiropractor, or Paramedic). The Rapier Marshal in Charge shall report any such injury to the Group Rapier marshal and Kingdom Rapier Marshal within 24 hours. The Kingdom Rapier Marshal will investigate the incident and provide a report to the Kingdom Earl Marshal within 10 days of the incident being reported.
  8. If for any reason it becomes impossible to conduct Rapier Combat safely and in accordance with the rules, or if any officer acting with their due authority removes sanction from an event, the Rapier Marshal in Charge shall cooperate to halt all Rapier Combat at the event. If the Rapier Marshal in Charge makes this determination but is unable to stop Rapier Combat then they must withdraw sanction for Rapier Combat from the event. This action and why it was taken must be included in the event report, and all efforts made to immediately contact the Kingdom Rapier Marshal and sponsoring Group Seneschal
  9. An attending marshal (chosen by the Rapier Marshal in Charge from the available rapier combatants and rapier marshals) must supervise all rapier combat bouts. No marshal may supervise combat they are participating in. The Rapier Marshal in Charge shall delegate additional marshals to supervise the marshalling of each bout if more than one is being run at any given time:
    1. Each bout of 2 combatants shall be supervised by at least 1 marshal. If the bout is part of a tournament it is recommended that there be an additional marshal.
    2. In a melee (more than 2 combatants) there shall be at least 1 rapier marshal for every 8 combatants. For example, a field of 8 to 16 combatants requires 2 marshals, a field of 17 to 24 requires 3 marshals and so forth. The Rapier Marshal in Charge shall provide procedures for the identification and removal of "dead" combatants, removal of abandoned equipment, rules of engagement and rules for engaging from behind.
    3. If there are not enough marshals available, then the number of bouts or number of combatants in melees being run at any given time must be reduced to match the number of marshals. In no case is a bout or melee to be run without a Rapier Marshal to supervise the combat.

Disciplinary Action


  1. Any combatant who is suspended from fighting at an event, or for whom the Kingdom Rapier Marshal has received 3 letters of complaint, shall have their combat authorisation automatically temporarily suspended. This suspension shall last no longer than is required for the Group Rapier Marshal to conduct an inquiry into the situation, or 6 weeks, whichever is the lesser (unless otherwise approved by the Earl Marshal). The results of the inquiry are to be notified to the Kingdom Rapier Marshal, who shall forward this information along with a recommendation of action to be taken to the Earl Marshal.
  2. In the event that the suspended combatant is a Group Rapier Marshal, the inquiry shall be undertaken by the Kingdom Rapier Marshal.
  3. The Earl Marshal's determination (which may include suspension of authorisation, mandatory retraining or other outcomes as are appropriate to the situation) shall be communicated to the Kingdom Rapier Marshal, Group Marshal, and combatant.
  4. Upon receiving a suspension or retraining notification, the combatant, in conjunction with their local Group Rapier Marshal must make arrangements for retraining under an Authorising Rapier Marshal (or an Authorising Cut and Thrust Marshal if applicable). Retraining shall continue until the appointed trainer feels that the combatant has overcome the problems that resulted in the suspension.
  5. Once retraining is completed, the Group Rapier Marshal shall arrange a re-authorisation bout for the combatant with two impartial Authorising Rapier Marshals (or two Authorising Cut and Thrust Marshals if applicable). The trainer shall provide a report to the impartial marshals prior to the reauthorisation, outlining the training undertaken. Both marshals must agree that the suspended combatant has overcome the problems that resulted in the suspension. If the combatant is found acceptable, the impartial marshals shall then complete the authorisation paperwork, and the Group Rapier Marshall shall forward it to the Kingdom Rapier Marshal, along with the trainer's report. If the combatant is not found acceptable, the marshals shall discuss further requirements they feel necessary with both the combatant and their trainer and report their decision to the Group Rapier Marshal and Kingdom Rapier Marshal.
  6. Upon receiving the re-authorisation paperwork, the Kingdom Rapier Marshal shall ensure that the reauthorisation process has been followed correctly, and if satisfied, shall notify the suspended combatant in writing that the suspension has been lifted.
  7. Any combatant who is reinstated after a suspension shall be placed on probation for a 12 month period. Any probationary combatant who is suspended shall have their authorisation revoked for 12 months. After an authorisation revocation, the combatant must restart the authorisation process from the beginning as a new combatant.
  8. Any combatant who has their authorisation revoked twice shall be recommended to the Earl Marshal and Crown by the Kingdom Rapier Marshal for permanent revocation of their rapier authorisations.
  9. Combatants who knowingly take the field with equipment not approved by the inspecting rapier marshals shall have their authorisation suspended for a period of 12 months, subject to review by the Kingdom Rapier Marshal.


  1. Any marshal who knowingly allows a combatant to engage in combat with any equipment that does not pass safety standards shall have their Marshallate authorisation suspended for a period of not less than two years, subject to review by the Kingdom Rapier Marshal.
  2. Any marshal, for whom the Kingdom Rapier Marshal has received 3 letters of complaint, shall have their Marshallate authorisation temporarily suspended. The Kingdom Rapier Marshal shall then establish the factual basis of the complaints. If the Kingdom Rapier Marshal upholds the suspension, they shall then notify the marshal and the local Group Rapier Marshal that the marshal's authorisation has been suspended.
  3. Any marshal, who has their rapier combat authorisations suspended, shall also have their rapier marshallate authorisation suspended. Rapier marshallate authorisations cannot be reinstated until the probation period has expired, after which they must retake the marshallate authorisation examination.


  1. All Marshallate decisions regarding suspensions and authorisation revocations may be appealed.
  2. Appeals shall first be directed to the Rapier Marshal in Charge, then the Group Rapier Marshal, the Kingdom Rapier Marshal, and finally the Kingdom Earl Marshal. Appeals against the decisions of the Kingdom Earl Marshal shall be heard by the Crown.
  3. In all cases of appeals, the grievance procedure as specified in Lochac Kingdom Law shall apply. In the event of differences between Lochac Kingdom Law and this text, Lochac Kingdom Law shall have precedence.
  4. Appeals against rulings shall only be taken to a higher authority, if a satisfactory resolution cannot be found at a lower level. A lower authority cannot overrule rulings made by a higher authority.
  5. All appeals must be lodged within 72 hours of being informed of the decision. Appeals to a higher authority must be lodged in writing (electronic mail, surface mail or fax).