Fencing:Safety Tests: Difference between revisions

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#Insert the probe into the guide tube, lined up to the mark to drop it from the prescribed height.
#Insert the probe into the guide tube, lined up to the mark to drop it from the prescribed height.
#Drop the probe.
#Drop the probe.
#Examine the fabric.
#Examine the fabric. If the probe has penetrated anything below the top layer of fabric, the material fails.
##If the probe has penetrated anything below the top layer of fabric, the material fails.
#If the probe does not punch through, check that the clamps are still secure and that the fabric did not slip.
#If the probe does not punch through, check that the clamps are still secure and that the fabric did not slip.
#If the marshal is satisfied, the material passes.
#If the marshal is satisfied, the material passes.

Revision as of 09:37, 4 Mayıs 2021

Penetration-resistant material, masks, blade flexibility and rubber band gun ammunition must be tested by an authorised marshal at least every two years, separate to inspections at training and events.

Penetration-resistant material

Penetration-resistant material is tested using a drop tester that meets SCA standards.

The specifications for creating a drop tester are available in Appendix 3 of the Society Fencing Marshals' Handbook.

The drop tester enables marshals to consistently test material by dropping a known weight a known distance, creating a known impact.

Drop test procedure


To conduct the test you need all pieces shown in the figure, including:

  • a guide tube
  • a drop probe
  • a 75 mm threaded PVC flange
  • two hose clamps
  • a screw driver or nut clamp to tighten the hose clamps.



  1. Use a hard surface. Carpet or grass absorb impact and make the test unreliable.
  2. Set the flange thread side up and lay the test fabric over it.
  3. Fit the first hose clamp over the fabric and flange, and pull the fabric tight as you push the clamp down. Tighten the clamp.
  4. Fit the second clamp below the flange so that it is touching the first. Make sure the fabric is firmly secured.
  5. Place the guide tube vertically in the centre of the fabric.
  6. Insert the probe into the guide tube, lined up to the mark to drop it from the prescribed height.
  7. Drop the probe.
  8. Examine the fabric. If the probe has penetrated anything below the top layer of fabric, the material fails.
  9. If the probe does not punch through, check that the clamps are still secure and that the fabric did not slip.
  10. If the marshal is satisfied, the material passes.


The following materials are known to pass these tests when new:

  • ballistic nylon rated to at least 550 Newtons
  • commercial fencing clothing rated to at least 550 Newtons
  • mail made of welded or riveted steel rings that will not admit a 5/32 inches (4 mm) diameter probe. Rings no greater than 0.155 inches (4 mm) in internal diameter made of wire no less than 0.020 inches (0.5 mm) thick meet this requirement

These materials only need to be tested at the marshal's discretion.

Blade flexibility

To test the flexibility of a blade, follow this procedure.

  1. Clamp or hold the blade, where it meets the tang, on a rigid surface, such as a table, to ensure it doesn't move at the table end. The rest of blade must extend off the rigid surface so that it is unsupported.
  2. Hang a 170 gram (6oz) weight 25 mm from the tip.
  3. If the blade of a dagger flexes at least 12.5 mm (1/2 inch), it meets the standard.
  4. For a sword used in Fencing Combat, the blade must flex at least 25 mm (1 inch).
  5. For a sword used in Cut and Thrust Combat, the blade must flex at least 12.5 mm (1/2 inch).

Rubber band gun ammunition tests


  1. Rubber band gun ammunition must be tested to ensure it complies with the draw strength requirement of no greater than 13.6 kg (30 pounds). The following test can be conducted using a digital luggage scale, with reference to the figure.
  2. Ammunition tests must be conducted at a location out of range of other people.
  3. Marshals and participants in the inspection must wear a face mask.


  1. Attach the luggage scale to the rubber band. Switch the scale on.
  2. Fit the band to the nock.
  3. Using the scale, draw the rubber band all the way to the seer.
  4. Check the weight on the scale to ensure it complies with the rules.

Draw length of a rubber band gun