Fencing Draft:Change Log and Notes: Difference between revisions

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:Bouts must operate under a single ruleset; this change prevents a clash. Was not clear previously.
:Bouts must operate under a single ruleset; this change prevents a clash. Was not clear previously.

*What was Killing from behind has been renumbered to 2.6.3 to avoid a numbering class with 2.6.2 Striking your opponent's sub rules.
*What was Killing a gunner has been renumbered to 2.6.4 to avoid a numbering class with 2.6.2 Striking your opponent's sub rules.
*Subsequent rules have been renumbered.
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:Tip cuts are an accepted part of fencing combat in Lochac.
:Tip cuts are an accepted part of fencing combat in Lochac.
===Was, now 2.6.3===
:Not in rules
: - You must use "killing from behind" when you are behind the line of your opponent's shoulders. Marshals may further restrict this angle at their discretion.
: - If “killing from behind” is not allowed in the scenario, you may not strike your opponent while behind the line of your opponent’s shoulders.
;Functional change
:Clarification added for when killing from behind may be used, and allows marshals to add additional restrictions
:Adds clarity around when killing from behind can be used. Marshals will be able to add additional restrictions (such as "outside of 120 degrees of the front arc"), but this is very difficult to clearly legislate.
;For notes section:
:April 2023 - Clarification added for when killing from behind may be used, and allows marshals to add additional restrictions

==Version 5.3 - 21 January 2023==
==Version 5.3 - 21 January 2023==

Revision as of 01:25, 28 March 2023

Version 5.4 (will become version 6 when approved)


"During practices, for weapons drills with an opponent, you must wear eye protection. For drills with the spear, you must wear full face protection."
"For drills against opponents with a spear, you must wear full face protection."
Functional change
Removes requirement for eye protection in drills, but keeps requirement for full face protection when drilling against spear. Updated to specify against spear, as the person using the spear is not at risk from the spear.
The current rules do not improve safety, as spectacles and sunglasses are not personal protective equipment and cause an unacceptable level of risk-acceptance, as fencers can believe they are protected.
The current rules are also not enforceable because there is no useful and consistent way to define "drill". Some marshals consider that demonstrating an action with a sword is a "drill" and thus requires eye protection (even if the person the sword is pointed at does not move and is in full gear) and others consider a "drill" anything up to full speed sparring. Defining "drill" as anything other than full sparring, the broadest possible capture definition, is not useful because "sparring" is also not simple to define and you end up in a situation where anyone picking up a sword needs eye wear which doesn't actually protect them.
From a risk perspective, the existing requirement does not meaningfully improve safety and is impractical. Fencers are able to take a risk-based approach to training depending on their own training and opponent, given there is no international case base to suggest lack of eye protection causes heightened risk, nor are these rules mirrored at Society level.
For spears, given the chance that an accident could cause a catastrophic injury, additional protection is warranted.


To be authorised, you have to pass a verbal and practical test to show that you...
To be authorised, you have to pass a verbal and practical combat test to show that you...
Functional change
Addition of the word "combat" to highlight that the practical component must include combat
The handbook currently has two phrases meaning the same component of the authorising process. This combines them.

Not in rules previously
Different types of fencing combat cannot face each other in the same bout. For example, Cut and Thrust may not face Standard fencing.
Subsequent rules renumbered
Functional change
Prevents opponents from using different rules in the same bout.
Bouts must operate under a single ruleset; this change prevents a clash. Was not clear previously.


  • What was Killing from behind has been renumbered to 2.6.3 to avoid a numbering class with 2.6.2 Striking your opponent's sub rules.
  • What was Killing a gunner has been renumbered to 2.6.4 to avoid a numbering class with 2.6.2 Striking your opponent's sub rules.
  • Subsequent rules have been renumbered.

You and your opponent need to agree to allow the use of tip cuts before the bout
Subsequent rules renumbered
Functional change
Opponents no longer need to agree to the use of tip cuts beforre they can be used.
Tip cuts are an accepted part of fencing combat in Lochac.

Was, now 2.6.3

Not in rules
Now - You must use "killing from behind" when you are behind the line of your opponent's shoulders. Marshals may further restrict this angle at their discretion. - If “killing from behind” is not allowed in the scenario, you may not strike your opponent while behind the line of your opponent’s shoulders.
Functional change
Clarification added for when killing from behind may be used, and allows marshals to add additional restrictions
Adds clarity around when killing from behind can be used. Marshals will be able to add additional restrictions (such as "outside of 120 degrees of the front arc"), but this is very difficult to clearly legislate.
For notes section
April 2023 - Clarification added for when killing from behind may be used, and allows marshals to add additional restrictions

Version 5.3 - 21 January 2023
Removes 'the inner thigh' from the definition of the parts of the body that must be covered by penetration-resistant material.

Version 5.2 - 18 October 2022
Revoking the previous change to remove inner thigh from the wording as this change was not approved by the Board of SCALA and Committee of SCANZ, although it was changed at Society level.

Minor changes Version 5.1 - 15 May 2021

Specifies that spears can be used one-handed (not only after a hand is incapacitated) consistent with the Society Fencing Marshal Handbook.
Removes 'the inner thigh' from the definition of the parts of the body that must be covered by penetration-resistant material, consistent with the Society Fencing Marshals Handbook.
Specifies that incidents and injuries must be reported using the Lochac Incident and Hazard Form.
Specifies that after a drop test the material fails if the probe penetrates beyond the first layer.
Specifies that a single layer garment fails if the probe penetrates that layer.
Removes a second definition of Torso. Removes 'the inner thigh' from the definition of Torso.
Additions to Change log
Notes on 2.6.5 (use of the hand to parry the wrist); 5.4.3(b) change in dimension of blunts.

Version 5.0 Effective 1 May 2021

  • Change of terminology from "Rapier" to "Fencing", consistent with the Society Fencing Marshals' Handbook
  • Plain English approach and restructure by topic, for example: Rules for Fencers, Rules for Marshals.


Specifies that all fencing combat activities in Lochac must follow the policies and requirements of SCA Australia and New Zealand.
Specifies that fencing combat is subject to mundane laws, including Victorian weapons laws.
The Society Marshal has granted minor combatants in Lochac an exemption from the requirement to wear a marking that identifies them as a minor.

Rules for Fencers

2.4.2 (2)
Specifies that there is no waiting period to authorise for Cut and Thrust Fencing or to authorise to use a spear, if you have a Standard Fencing authorisation.
2.4.2 (3)
Specifies that you can use a spear if you have a current Rapier Pike or Pole Weapon authorisation under the previous Lochac Rapier Rules.
Allows combatants in a melee to run from one part of the field to another, subject to distance restrictions.
Allows Cut and Thrust Combat in a melee.
Sets rules for the participation of Gunners as non-fencing combatants.
Sets rules for fencers to "kill" a non-fencing Gunner.
Specifies that Rubber-Band Guns are the only projectile weapons allowed for use in the Kingdom of Lochac.
Allows the use of a Spear with one hand,if you have lost the use of the other hand.
Allows the use of a Spear to "Kill from behind".
Allows the use of Rubber-Band Guns in single combat that is not part of a tournament.
Allows you to use your hand to parry your opponent's weapon or wrist. This is a change from previous practice, consistent with the Society Fencing Marshal Handbook.
Allows movement on the knees when you have received a blow to the lower leg.
Allows combat to continue following a leg blow in Cut and Thrust combat.
2.8.1 (1)
Makes it mandatory to wear some form of eye protection during sword or dagger drills with opponents in practice.
2.8.1 (2)
Makes it mandatory to wear full face protection during spear drills with opponents in practice.
Specifies that a shield or buckler alone is not sufficient hand protection for Cut and Thrust combat in Lochac. This is a more restrictive requirement than the Society rule.
Additional requirements for medical protection.

Rules for Marshals

Notes additional requirements for inspections in line with COVID safety requirements.
Allows Authorising Marshals to authorise Fencers in any category in which the marshal holds a combat authorisation (rather than requiring separate Authorising Marshal categories).
Requires Authorising Marshals to hold a current authorisation card to conduct an authorisation.
Specifies that a person does not need to be an authorised fencing marshal to hold office as a Group Fencing Marshal.

Managing incidents

Sets out the process for re-training after a person's authorisation has been suspended.

Rules for equipment

Specifies that blunts must have a minimum surface of 10mm, consistent with the Society Fencing Marshal Handbook.
States that steel-headed spears will not be allowed from 31 December 2021, at the direction of the Society Marshal.
Specifies that rubber band gun ammunition must have a draw strength no greater than 13.6 kg (30 pounds).


Sets out an inspection process for rubber band guns.
Sets out a COVID-safe inspection process.

Safety tests
Specifies that puncture resistant material fails the drop test if the probe penetrates beyond the top layer of multiple layers.
Specifies that a single layer garment fails the drop test if the drop test penetrates that layer.
Sets out a safety test for rubber band gun ammunition.

Authorising procedures

Sets out guidelines for authorising fencers, gunners and marshals.


Sets out the definition of terms used in the rules.