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We will aim to keep the last 12 months of changes in the published PDF.
We will aim to keep the last 12 months of changes in the published PDF.
==1. Classes of participant and combat==
*Updated minimum ages for participants - war is an armoured combat activity. No person under the age of 16 can authorise for armoured combat according to Society rules.
*Updated heavy to armoured combat in its relevant contexts throughout.
*Some simplification of language

==Minor correction - Version 3.1.2 - 1 Dec 2019==
==2. Combat authorisation requirements==
[[Armoured_Combat:Melee_Weapon_Standards#Two-handed_Weapons |]] Corrected "we" to "be".
*Updated heavy to armoured combat in its relevant contexts throughout.
===2.1 General===
*Updated 2.1.1 to make this more specific to armoured combat and refined definition of armoured combat
*Updated 2.1.2 to include renewals being the same process as authorising for the first time, and that the requirement to demonstrate ability means there must be a practical component to all authorisation tests. Clarified which bits you needed to be able to apply (eg know while fighting, and which bits you could look up
*Updated 2.1.5 to reword for clarity, and to include Siege Marshals being able to do Siege authorisations
*Added 2.1.6 to remind people that they need to send in their own signed form.
*2.1.7 reminds senior marshals that they must have their card back from Lists before they can perform authorisations - they can't do it from their own paperwork, they must be a valid senior marshal in the system on the date they perform someone else's authorisation.
*2.1.9 The Kingdom Lists Officer doesn't need to provide the Earl Marshal with a list of current authorisations as the database is accessible to the Earl Marshal.
===2.2 Age restrictions===
*Updated 2.2.1.b to include participants in the age restriction.
*Removed 2.2.1.c - Persons between the ages of 14 and 16 may be authorised as plumed auxiliaries. Banner bearing is part of armoured combat according to Society Rules - 14-16 as plumed auxiliaries is no longer allowed by Society rules.
*Removed 2.2.1.d - No person below the age of 14 may be authorised for any form of SCA combat-related activity. Not relevant for this rule set
*Updated rule 2.2.1.e (now c) for under 14s not being allowed to train/swing an armoured combat weapon to be specific for this rule set.
===2.3 Minor authorisation===
*Updated 2.3.1 to 16 years from 14 years
*Updated 2.3.1.a to make it clear that the parent/guardian needs to talk to the senior marshal doing the authorisation.
*Updated 2.3.1.b to add the Kingdom Armoured Combat Marshal
*Updated 2.3.2 to be specific to this rule book.
==3. Rules of the Lists==
*Changes were made at Society level to the Rules of the List in Corpora in March 2021 - for gender neutral terms, to remove the right of the Sovereign to waive additional Kingdom standards (thanks to Lochac), and to be more consistent with terminology.
==4. Conventions of combat==
*Updated references to the Earl Marshal to include reference to their deputy, the Kingdom Armoured Combat Marshal
*Updated throughout to make more specific to armoured combat.
*Simplified language and changed to refer to you as the audience throughout
*Updated Marshal-in-Charge of the field to responsible marshal throughout
*4.5.6. a and b - separated the information about nocking bows etc into two sub rules.
*4.6.4 split into three rules.
==5. The use of weapons and shields==
*Updated throughout to refer to you as the audience and simplify language.
*5.1.1 - added General heading to fix rules numbering collision.
*Added - "Archers may have a backup weapon on them, but may not draw it until their bow/crossbow has been safely disposed of (taken off the field, discarded in a low traffic area, handed to another combatant, etc). Upon drawing a backup weapon to enter combat, hands must be appropriately armoured." This had been previously removed in the 2009 rules when we didn't allow non-plumed archers.
*Added 5.1.3 - Missile and Thrown Weapons - moved use of missile weapons rules out of Missile weapons standards section as these are about use not construction.
* - clarified that bows and non-rigid quivers need to be inspected if they are struck by anything, not just missile fire, to allow for non-plumed archers who may be struck.
*Added - "Archers may carry and use thrown weapons without need to discard their bow/crossbow or change hand armour". This had been previously removed in the 2009 rules when we didn't allow non-plumed archers.
==6. Target areas and acknowledgement of blows==
*Simplified language and updated to refer to you as the audience throughout
*Updated heavy combatant to armoured combatant
*6.3.3 and 4 - appeared to have been misformatted as sub rules, now reformatted
==7. Armour requirements==
*Simplified language and updated to refer to you as the audience throughout.
*Updated heavy combatant to armoured combatant throughout.
*7.2.3 - updated to specifically include training and pick-ups in needing armour inspections.
*7.2.6 - updated to match Society requirement (VI.A) to disguise, cover or remove modern corporate logos and sport gear unless the gear is necessary for medical reasons
* - updated to clarify that the metal for helmets needs to be at least 1.6mm thick when completed, also see
* - rephrased and updated include other construction techniques that thin the metal.
*7.5.7.g - added "Maille used for screening must not have openings greater than 5mm."  
*7.5.8 - added a requirement for mesh to be secured against sideways movement, and vertical.
*7.9.1 - updated to clarify that all kidney protection must have padding, unless it's Zoombang, as stated by Society Armoured Combat Marshal.
*7.9.2 - removed gendered language
==8. Melee weapon standards==
* Updated to refer to you as the audience throughout, and simplified language
*8.1.13 - clarification about crossguards and tsuba after question was raised - answer from Society Armoured Combat Marshal
==9. Throwing weapons standards==
*Updated to refer to you as the audience.
*9.1.1 - separated into two rules - when you can use throwing weapons, and that some throwing weapons can be held in the had and used for striking.
*Updated shall to must for clarity

Formatting changed to ragged right to make it easier to read.
==10. Missile weapons standards==
*Moved 10.1.9-10, 10.3.9-13, 10.4.2-3 to a new sub section in the Use of Weapons and Shields as they were about use, not construction.
*10.1.1 - updated to refer to you as the audience
*10.1.7 - removed requirement from Kingdom to be written on projectiles - we are unlikely to take our projectiles to other kingdoms.
*10.3.1 - added the Kingdom Armoured Combat Marshal and the Kingdom Archery Marshal.

==Minor correction - Version 3.1.1==
==11. Grievances and sanctions==
[[Armoured_Combat:Target_Areas_and_Acknowledgement_of_Blows | ]] "chapter 6" replaced with "section 6" and linked.
*11.1 - dispute resolution procedures copied from updated Kingdom Law, links updated.
*11.2 - addition of Kingdom Armoured Combat Marshal to the chain

==Version 3.1 - Changes approved August 2019==
==12. Procdeures to change these rules==
The following changes have been approved by the Crown (Niall and Sabine), Kingdom Seneschal, Board of SCA Ltd Australia and Committee of SCA NZ Inc, and published in Pegasus, September 2019.
*Updated links to current Kingdom Law
*Updated to refer to Group Armoured Combat Marshal, include Kingdom Armoured Combat Marshal

===[[Armoured_Combat:Classes_of_Participant_and_Combat#Classes_of_Participant|Changes to Classes of Participant]]===
==13. Glossary==
;"Appropriate medical release" removed for minors
*Updated definition of armoured combatant
:The Nominated Caregiver doesn't have authority for consenting to a minor's medical treatment, and will seek approval from the parent or guardian if required. Medical professionals will act in the best interests of the child.
*Updated definition of Earl Marshal
:" and subject to the completion of an appropriate medical release." removed from,, and
*Added Kingdom Armoured Combat Marshal
*Updated rostered marshal

===Changes to Combat Authorisation Requirements===
:Changes to how we keep our rules up to date mean that fighters only need to follow Lochac's rules, and not go looking elsewhere.
: 2.1.2.a.i Changed to "Rules of the Lists"
: 2.1.2.a.ii and iii referring to armour and weapons standards and conventions of combat of the SCA removed and following paragraphs renumbered
:Added "guardian", changed "present" to "present at the event" to indicate that they do not need to be observing the combat directly. "who is able to authorise medical treatment" removed. The Nominated Caregiver doesn't have authority for consenting to a minor's medical treatment, and will seek approval from the parent or guardian if required. Medical professionals will act in the best interests of the child.
===[[Armoured_Combat:Rules_of_the_Lists|Changes to Rules of the Lists]]===
;3.1.2 and 3.1.3 removed
:Our requirements for SCA Ltd and SCANZ approval for all rule changes mean that these statements were no longer accurate.
===[[Armoured_Combat:Conventions_of_Combat|Changes to Conventions of Combat]]===
:"Rostered member of the kingdom marshallate" replaced with "rostered marshal"
:Removed "Society"
:'"Society combat" changed to "Society armoured combat" to be relevant for this handbook
:Updated "my lord/lady I am engaging you" to a gender neutral form.
:Updated "You are dead, my Lord" to a gender neutral form.
===Changes to Melee Weapon Standards===
====Fibreglass spear thrusting tips====
Changing the rules allow 51mm thrusting tips on fibreglass spears in line with a Society rule change from 2013 requires changes to the following in [[Armoured_Combat:Melee_Weapon_Standards|Melee Weapon Standards]]:
;[[Armoured_Combat:Melee_Weapon_Standards#General|Table 8.1]]
:Changed Fibreglass spears from requiring 'fibreglass spear' thrusting tips (3 inch heads) to high-profile thrusting tips (2 inch heads)
:Minor reformatting for word-wrap of cells
:Changed "Not spec." to "Not specified"
;[[Armoured_Combat:Melee_Weapon_Standards#Fibreglass_Spears| 8.3.1]]
:Changed to allow 51mm tips (high-profile) for fibreglass spears, and updated link to point to 8.4.3 on high-profile thrusting tips
;[[Armoured_Combat:Melee_Weapon_Standards#Fibreglass_Spears| 8.3.3]] added
:Inserted "Fibreglass spears may only have a single thrusting tip; they may not have butt spikes." as 8.3.3 and paragraphs following have been renumbered.
;8.4.4 removed
:8.4.4 was the construction specifications for 3-inch thrusting tips, so no longer required.
:Fixed wording for plural agreement, and changed head to surface
====Single-handed weapons====
:Sword corrected to weapon
====Two-handed weapons====
:Two handed weapons are weapons that can be used with one or two hands.
:Changed to: "Any two-handed weapon can have thrusting tips at one or both ends."
:Added "a. If the weapon is less than 2.29m (7 1/2 feet) in length, it may use two-handed low-profile thrusting tips, as defined in 8.4.2."
:Added "b. Otherwise, they must use high-profile thrusting tips, as defined in 8.4.3"
:Added "Semi-rigid ultra-lightweight shaped foam head" to "laminated or split rattan" as weapons that don't require padding "so long as their construction imparts striking characteristics similar to an unpadded weapon constructed of a single piece of rattan."
;8.2.4 removed
:Rolled back into [[Armoured_Combat_Draft:Melee_Weapon_Standards#Two-handed_Weapons|Two-handed weapons]]
====Thrusting tips====
:Removed reference to towball covers - these are now covered by low-profile thrusting tips.
===[[Armoured_Combat:Grievances_and_Sanctions|Changes to Grievances and Sanctions]]===
;11.2 Suspension of Authorisations
:Changed from Revocation to Suspension, as it may be a short-term issue
:Revoke/revoked/revoking/revocation changed to suspend/suspended/suspending/suspension throughout this section.
:Replaced "the Society Marshal" with "the Board or Committee of the participant's relevant SCA organisation"
:Changed to note that the Earl Marshal should include suspensions in their reports.
===[[Armoured Combat:Glossary|Changes to Glossary]]===
;Helpless opponents
:Updated "him- or herself" to a gender neutral form.
==Minor corrections included in v3.0.2 - 25 July 2019==
;[[Armoured_Combat:Classes_of_Participant_and_Combat#War_Combat_With_Arrows|]] - typo
:Fixed spelling of participants
==Minor corrections included in v3.0.1 - 14 July 2019==
;Back end fix
:Generation of table of contents for PDF corrected to fix page numbering error.
:Corrected level of numbered list for 2.3.2-4 (they are a subset of rule 2.3.1) and the following paragraphs renumbered.
;[[Armoured_Combat:Rules_of_the_Lists |3.2.1]]
:Changed "himself or herself" to "themself", in line with the previously approved changes from his or her to their.
;[[Armoured_Combat:Conventions_of_Combat#Behaviour_on_the_Field|4.2.20 (21-23)]]
:Corrected level of numbered list for 4.2.21-23 to a, b and c, (they are a subset of rule 4.2.20) and the following paragraphs renumbered.
;[[Armoured_Combat:Conventions_of_Combat#Behaviour_on_the_Field|4.2.24 (was 4.2.27)]]
:Corrected cross reference from 5.1.2 to
:Updated "You are dead, my Lord" to a gender neutral form.
:Fixed a typo where 63.5mm was given as equivalent to 21 inches, not 2 1/2 inches.
==Version 3.0.0 - Changes approved July 2019==
The following changes have been approved by the Crown (Felix and Eva), Kingdom Seneschal, Board of SCA Ltd Australia and Committee of SCA NZ Inc, and published in a special edition of Pegasus, July 2019.
===[[Armoured Combat:Classes_of_Participant_and_Combat|Changes to Classes of Participant and Combat]]===
;[[Armoured Combat:Classes_of_Participant_and_Combat|1.1]]
:The following footnote to [[Armoured Combat:Classes_of_Participant_and_Combat|1.1]] has now been included as a rule.
:The term "combatant" is used in this book to refer to people who are actually fighting, whether with melee or missile weapons. The term "participant" is used to refer to everyone taking an active role in combat-related activities. Everyone on the field, combatant, auxiliary or non-combatant, is a participant. "Plumed participants" refers to both plumed combatants and plumed auxiliaries.
;[[Armoured Combat:Classes_of_Participant_and_Combat|1.1.2.b]]
:Fixed a typographical error. Changed [[Armoured Combat:Classes_of_Participant_and_Combat|1.1.2.b]] from "Must wear a plume in their helmets..." to "Must wear a plume on their helmets..."
===[[Armoured Combat:Combat_Authorisation_Requirements| Changes to Combat Authorisation Requirements]]===
;[[Armoured Combat:Combat_Authorisation_Requirements|Section 2]]
:In [[Armoured Combat:Combat_Authorisation_Requirements|Section 2]], references to marshals with regards to authorising have been updated to Senior Marshals as appropriate. Only Senior Marshals can conduct armoured combat authorisations, as per the Marshal Handbook.
;[[Armoured Combat:Combat_Authorisation_Requirements#General|2.1.1]]
:The following footnote to [[Armoured Combat:Combat_Authorisation_Requirements#General|2.1.1]] has been incorporated into the rule.
:There are also authorisation requirements for rapier combat and equestrian activities but these are dealt with in their respective handbooks.
;[[Armoured Combat:Combat_Authorisation_Requirements#General|2.1.3.a.i]]
:[[Armoured Combat:Combat_Authorisation_Requirements#General|2.1.3.a.i]] has been updated to clarify that a Heavy Combatant authorisation allows the participant to engage in heavy combat with melee weapons and to take the field as Plumed Combatant or Plumed Auxiliary.  And [[Armoured Combat:Combat_Authorisation_Requirements#General|2.1.3.a.ii]] has been updated that to act as a Plumed Combatant, a fighter also needs another weapon authorisation such as thrown weapon, combat archery or siege engine. Plumed Participant on its own only allows a fighter to act as a Plumed Auxiliary (banner bearer)
;[[Armoured Combat:Combat_Authorisation_Requirements#General|2.1.4.a]]
:[[Armoured Combat:Combat_Authorisation_Requirements#General|2.1.4.a]]has been updated to use the term Auxiliary Marshal.
:Removed references to indemnities from [[Armoured_Combat:Combat_Authorisation_Requirements#General|2.1.8]] as these are dealt with as part of membership, event and practice attendance, not specifically combat.
:References to royal treaty have been removed from [[Armoured_Combat:Combat_Authorisation_Requirements#General|2.1.10]].  Lochac has no royal treaties to consider another kingdom's subjects as its own. References to royal treaty were removed from the Society Marshal's Handbook March 2018. Updated to say "Authorisations shall not..." from "Authorisation cards shall not..."
;[[Armoured Combat:Combat_Authorisation_Requirements#General|2.1.11-13]]
:[[Armoured Combat:Combat_Authorisation_Requirements#General|2.1.11-13]]about indemnities have been removed. Indemnities are dealt with as part of membership, event and practice attendance, not specifically combat.
;[[Armoured Combat:Combat_Authorisation_Requirements#Minor_Authorisation|2.3.2]]
:[[Armoured Combat:Combat_Authorisation_Requirements#Minor_Authorisation|2.3.2]] has been updated to reflect the forms required for minor participation and that it must be the parent or guardian present for the authorisation, not a Nominated Caregiver. References to indemnities have been removed as these are dealt with as part of membership, event and practice attendance, not specifically combat.
;[[Armoured Combat:Combat_Authorisation_Requirements#Minor_Authorisation|2.3.5]]
:[[Armoured Combat:Combat_Authorisation_Requirements#Minor_Authorisation|2.3.5]] had been updated to reflect that minor participants must have a guardian or Nominated Caregiver present at the event.
===[[Armoured Combat:Rules_of_the_Lists| Changes to Rules of the Lists]]===
;[[Armoured Combat:Rules_of_the_Lists|3.1]]
:[[Armoured Combat:Rules_of_the_Lists|3.1]] has been updated to use the wording from the [ Marshal's Handbook (Oct 2018)].  The Rules of the Lists cover all SCA martial field activities.
;[[Armoured Combat:Rules_of_the_Lists|3.2 and 3.3]]
:[[Armoured Combat:Rules_of_the_Lists|3.2 and 3.3]] have been updated to the most recent version of [ Corpora (January 2018)] and [ Marshal's Handbook (Oct 2018)], and corrected for standard NZ and Australian spelling. There are no changes to these from the April edition of Corpora or August 2006 edition of the Marshal's Handbook used previously. Examples of "he or she" and "his or her" have been changed to "they" and "their".
:Due to our requirement for approval by the Board of SCA Ltd Australia and Committee of SCANZ Inc, we must remove the [[Armoured_Combat:Rules_of_the_Lists|Sovereign's right to waive]] any of standards that Lochac has in addition to Society combat rules in [[Armoured_Combat:Rules_of_the_Lists|Rule 3.2.4.]]
===[[Armoured Combat:Conventions_of_Combat| Changes to Conventions of Combat]]===
;[[Armoured Combat:Conventions_of_Combat|Figure 4.1]]
:[[Armoured Combat:Conventions_of_Combat|Figure 4.1]] didn't render properly in the Kingdom of Lochac [[File:Fighters-handbook_2009.pdf|Fighters Handbook 2009]] . The correct images are now included.
;[[Armoured Combat:Conventions_of_Combat#Behaviour_on_the_Field|4.2.2]]
:[[Armoured Combat:Conventions_of_Combat#Behaviour_on_the_Field|4.2.2]] The footnote "See Grievance procedures" has been removed.
;[[Armoured Combat:Conventions_of_Combat#Behaviour_on_the_Field|4.2.24]]
:The following footnote to [[Armoured Combat:Conventions_of_Combat#Behaviour_on_the_Field|4.2.24]] has been incorporated into the rule:
:This rule is meant to allow the kneeling combatant to straighten if they desire and is not intended to keep the standing combatant from leaning forward to stay in range if the kneeling combatant leans back. Gendered pronoun has been changed.
;[[Armoured Combat:Conventions_of_Combat#Holds|4.5.2]]
:The footnotes for [[Armoured Combat:Conventions_of_Combat#Holds| 4.5.2]] indicating that holds may not be necessary if the problem can be dealt with without one for broken weapons and armour have been included in rule.
===[[Armoured_Combat:The_Use_of_Weapons_and_Shields| Changes to The Use of Weapons and Shields]]===
:A Society rule update in 2008 included further instructions around the use of pavises. This has been inserted as [[Armoured_Combat:The_Use_of_Weapons_and_Shields#Shields|5.2.3]], and the subsequent paragraphs renumbered.
=== [[Armoured_Combat:Target_Areas_and_Acknowledgement_of_Blows| Changes to Target Areas and Acknowledgement of Blows]]===
:A Society rule update in 2008 included further instructions around the use of pavises. [[Armoured_Combat:Target_Areas_and_Acknowledgement_of_Blows#Effects_of_missile_weapons|6.5.2-3]] have been updated to reflect that combatants behind pavises struck by siege munitions are no longer killed, and include instructions for when pavises are hit by siege munitions.
===[[Armoured Combat:Armour_Requirements| Changes to Armour Requirements]]===
;[[Armoured Combat:Armour_Requirements#Summary_of_Areas_to_be_Armoured|7.3.1.a]]
:The following footnote to [[Armoured Combat:Armour_Requirements#Summary_of_Areas_to_be_Armoured|7.3.1.a]] has been incorporated into the rule:
:The cervical vertebrae are the vertebrae in the neck. The first thoracic vertebra is the first major lump which can be felt in the spine at the base of the neck.
;[[Armoured Combat:Armour_Requirements#General_2|]]
:The following footnote to [[Armoured Combat:Armour_Requirements#General_2|]] has been incorporated into the rule:
:While it is necessary to protect the bones of the jaw, it is not considered essential to completely armour the soft tissue in the underside of the jaw.
;[[Armoured Combat:Armour_Requirements#Head|]]
:Rule [[Armoured Combat:Armour_Requirements#Head|]] had a footnote about helms made prior to 2002 of 1.3mm (18 gauge). This footnote is no longer valid and has been removed.
;[[Armoured Combat:Armour_Requirements#General_2|]]
:The following footnote to [[Armoured Combat:Armour_Requirements#General_2|]] has been incorporated into the rule:
:The process of spinning the top thins the metal, thereby requiring a heavier gauge to start with.
;[[Armoured Combat:Armour_Requirements#Face_Guards|7.5.7 c]]
:The following footnote to [[Armoured Combat:Armour_Requirements#Face_Guards|7.5.7 c]] has been incorporated into the rule:
:Although the gauge of the woven wire is less than previously allowed, the protection offered by this security mesh is superior to the current approved materials.
;[[Armoured Combat:Armour_Requirements#Face_Guards|7.5.7]]
:12kg fencing mask mesh, and other mesh which will not significantly flex, spread apart, or deform under pressure of 12 kg applied by a standard rapier mask tester repeatedly to any single point have been added as options to [[Armoured Combat:Armour_Requirements#Face_Guards|7.5.7]] as e. and f.
;[[Armoured Combat:Armour_Requirements#Groin|7.8.1-3]]
:Rule [[Armoured Combat:Armour_Requirements#Groin|7.8.1-3]] have been replaced with the new wording from the [ Society Marshal's Handbook Oct 2018]. The prohibition on wearing groin protection designed for the opposite sex has been removed
:The rules were updated to make things more inclusive for trans and non-binary participants. The prohibition against wearing the opposite gender's groin protection had been included due to marshals of the past requiring women to wear a male athletic cup.
;[[Armoured Combat:Armour_Requirements#Body|7.9.1]]
:Rule [[Armoured Combat:Armour_Requirements#Body|7.9.1]] has been updated to note that viscoelastic polymers (i.e. Zoombang) can be considered the equivalent of heavy leather worn over 1/4 inch (6 mm) of closed-cell foam. (Society update from August 2014)
;[[Armoured Combat:Armour_Requirements#Hand|7.11.1]]
:Rule [[Armoured Combat:Armour_Requirements#Hand|7.11.1]] has been corrected to match Society minimum requirement for hand protection to extend to 25.4mm (1 inch) above the wrist. The footnote about coverage has been removed.
;[[Armoured Combat:Armour_Requirements#Hand|7.11.1.b.iii]]
:The following footnote to [[Armoured Combat:Armour_Requirements#Hand|7.11.1.b.iii]] has been incorporated into the rule:
:Ice hockey gloves are considered to be the equivalent, but look blatantly modern, and their use is discouraged. Kendo, lacrosse and street hockey gloves are not equivalent.
:[[Armoured_Combat:Armour_Requirements#Arm|7.11.2]] has been updated to clarify protection requirements, include those using throwing weapons, and clarify that those who wish to be able to transition to using melee weapons during combat must be wearing the appropriate hand protection for use of their melee weapon.
:A Society rule update in 2008 included construction standards for pavises. This has been included as [[Armoured_Combat:Armour_Requirements#Shields|7.14.4]].
;[[Armoured Combat:Armour_Requirements#Noncombatant_Armour_Requirements|7.16 and 7.17]]
:Rule [[Armoured Combat:Armour_Requirements#Noncombatant_Armour_Requirements|7.16 and 7.17]] are formatting errors in the 2009 pdf and have been put back into 7.15 Noncombatant Armour Requirements as 7.15.5 and 7.15.6
===[[Armoured Combat:Melee_Weapon_Standards|Changes to Melee Weapon Standards]]===
;[[Armoured Combat:Melee_Weapon_Standards#General|8.1.10]]
:Rule [[Armoured Combat:Melee_Weapon_Standards#General|8.1.10]] The use of flails and quarterstaves for combat in the SCA is expressly forbidden.
:The use of quarterstaves for combat in the SCA is not expressly forbidden in the [ 2018 Marshals Handbook], so that statement has been removed from the rules. The rules continue to prohibit weapons from having a cutting and/or smashing heads at both ends.
;[[Armoured Combat:Melee_Weapon_Standards#General|8.1.12]]
:The following footnote to [[Armoured Combat:Melee_Weapon_Standards#General|8.1.12]] has been incorporated into the rule:
:The purpose of this rule is to ban weapons where there is no mechanical leverage or give in the weapon/hand/arm system to absorb some of the force of the blow.
;[[Armoured Combat:Melee_Weapon_Standards#Single-handed_Weapons|]]
:Rule [[Armoured Combat:Melee_Weapon_Standards#Single-handed_Weapons|]] has been updated to say that all cutting edges and thrusting tips shall be marked in a contrasting colour, rather than contrasting tape as there are other valid ways to mark them. (Society rule update in 2008)
;[[Armoured Combat:Melee_Weapon_Standards#Single-handed_Weapons|8.2.2]]
:What was 8.2.3 Single-handed Mass Weapons has been combined with 8.2.2 Single-handed Swords as [[Armoured Combat:Melee_Weapon_Standards#Single-handed_Weapons| 8.2.2]] Single-handed Weapons, and the subsequent paragraphs renumbered.
;[[Armoured Combat:Melee_Weapon_Standards#Single-handed_Weapons|]]
:Rule [[Armoured Combat:Melee_Weapon_Standards#Single-handed_Weapons|]] has been updated to include polypropylene round rod for single-handed weapons (Society rule update in 2012) and describe the approved Siloflex equivalent for Lochac.
;[[Armoured Combat:Melee_Weapon_Standards#Single-handed_Weapons|]]
:Construction requirements for polypropylene weapons have been added as [[Armoured Combat:Melee_Weapon_Standards#Single-handed_Weapons|Rule]] and the other paragraphs in this section renumbered.
;[[Armoured Combat:Melee_Weapon_Standards#Single-handed_Weapons|]]
:The following footnote to what was Rule has been incorporated as [[Armoured Combat:Melee_Weapon_Standards#Single-handed_Weapons| Rule]]:
:Users should take extra care when constructing mass weapons to ensure that they are able to control the weapon and not inadvertently generate excessive force.
;[[Armoured Combat:Melee_Weapon_Standards#Single-handed_Weapons|]]
:What was Rule, now [[Armoured Combat:Melee_Weapon_Standards#Single-handed_Weapons|Rule]] - added to match Society maximum weight for single-handed weapons of 2.27 kg (5 pounds). This is a change from the previous 2.73kg (6 pounds). Table 8.2 has been updated accordingly. Subsequent paragraphs have been renumbered.
;[[Armoured Combat:Melee_Weapon_Standards#High-profile_Thrusting_Tips|]]
:Due to the common usage of low-profile thrusting tips, the following footnote to [[Armoured Combat:Melee_Weapon_Standards#High-profile_Thrusting_Tips|]] has been removed and included in the [[Armoured_Combat_notes:Melee_Weapon_Standards | Notes]].
:Duke Eringlin, Society Marshal has given Lochac this dispensation, June, 2001  - Rubberised towball covers of a lesser diameter must be enlarged to conform to Society standards.
===[[Armoured Combat:Throwing_Weapon_Standards| Changes to Throwing Weapon Standards]]===
;[[Armoured Combat:Throwing_Weapon_Standards|9.1.4 B]]
:[[Armoured Combat:Throwing_Weapon_Standards|Rule 9.1.4 B]] has been updated to include Lochac's equivalent to Siloflex.
:A Society rule change in January 2015 allows the use of low-profile thrusting tips for throwing weapons. Rule [[Armoured_Combat:Throwing_Weapon_Standards|Rule 9.1.6]] has been updated accordingly.
===[[Armoured Combat:Missile_Weapon_Standards|Changes to Missile Weapon Standards]]===
;[[Armoured Combat:Missile_Weapon_Standards#General|10.1.4]], [[Armoured Combat:Missile_Weapon_Standards#General|10.1.6]] and [[Armoured Combat:Missile_Weapon_Standards#Other_missile_weapons|10.4.1 a and e.]]
:Society rule about a prohibition on missile weapons intended to simulate firearms, slings, slingstaffs, and atlatls has been added as [[Armoured Combat:Missile_Weapon_Standards#General|Rule 10.1.4]] and the subsequent paragraphs in this section have been renumbered.  This also required the removal of an exception for manually pumped compressed air used in cannon rounds from [[Armoured Combat:Missile_Weapon_Standards#General| rule 10.1.6]], and the removal of rule [[Armoured Combat:Missile_Weapon_Standards#Other_missile_weapons|10.4.1 a and e.]]
;[[Armoured Combat:Missile_Weapon_Standards#Bows|10.2.1]]
:[[Armoured Combat:Missile_Weapon_Standards#Bows|Rule 10.2.1]] updated to include the Society minimum poundage for bows used for combat archery of 20lb at 28 inches, and manufacturers tolerances for bow weights.
;[[Armoured Combat:Missile_Weapon_Standards#Bows|10.2.2]]
:[[Armoured Combat:Missile_Weapon_Standards#Bows|Rule 10.2.2]] has been updated to correctly describe measuring the draw weight of a bow according to Archery Manufacturers Organisation standards that bow poundage is measured by.
;[[Armoured Combat:Missile_Weapon_Standards#Bows|10.2.2 and 10.2.3]]
:Rule about the use of crossbows in combat prohibited in Australia inserted between [[Armoured Combat:Missile_Weapon_Standards#Bows|10.2.2 and 10.2.3]] and the remaining paragraphs in this sections have been renumbered.
;Was [[Armoured Combat:Missile_Weapon_Standards#Bows|10.2.3]]
:What was [[Armoured Combat:Missile_Weapon_Standards#Bows|10.2.3]] has been made specific to combat archers in New Zealand, and now included the Society minimum poundage for crossbows.
;Was [[Armoured Combat:Missile_Weapon_Standards#Bows|10.2.4]]
:What was [[Armoured Combat:Missile_Weapon_Standards#Bows|Rule 10.2.4]] - The rule about the legality of crossbows and its footnote about use of crossbows in Victoria has been removed, due to the use of crossbows in combat being prohibited in Australia by insurance policy, but they may be used without restriction in New Zealand.
;[[Armoured Combat:Missile_Weapon_Standards#Bows|10.2.6, 10.2.7, and 10.2.8]]
:Society rules about non-period aids, that bows and crossbows must be powered only by the flex of the limbs, and modern pistol grips are prohibited on crossbows have been added as [[Armoured Combat:Missile_Weapon_Standards#Bows|10.2.6, 10.2.7, and 10.2.8]] and the remaining paragraphs in this section have been renumbered.
;Was [[Armoured Combat:Missile_Weapon_Standards#Bows|10.2.7]]
:What was [[Armoured Combat:Missile_Weapon_Standards#Bows|Rule 10.2.7]] - added Society requirement that during inspection, all bows must have their poundage and draw physically measured with a ruler or other metered device and poundage scale.
;[[Armoured Combat:Missile_Weapon_Standards#Arrows_and_Bolts|10.3.3]]
:Updated [[Armoured Combat:Missile_Weapon_Standards#Arrows_and_Bolts|10.3.3]] to include species name and common names for allowed timbers, removed ramen/ramin as an approved timber type for combat arrows, and added Western Red Cedar.
===[[Armoured Combat:Grievances_and_Sanctions| Changes to Grievances and Sanctions]]===
;[[Armoured Combat:Grievances_and_Sanctions|11.1]]
:[[Armoured Combat:Grievances_and_Sanctions|Dispute resolution process]] updated to meet current Lochac Kingdom Law. This removes Quarter Courts.
;[[Armoured Combat:Grievances_and_Sanctions|11.2]]
:References to Society Earl Marshal  in [[Armoured Combat:Grievances_and_Sanctions|11.2]] have been corrected to Society Marshal, in line with Corpora and the Society Marshal's Handbook.
===[[Armoured_Combat:Procedures_for_Changes_to_These_Rules| Changes to Procedures for Changes to These Rules]]===
:[[Armoured_Combat:Procedures_for_Changes_to_These_Rules|12.2]] has been updated to include a 30 day expiry on temporary rule changes.
:List of required approvals for rule changes added as [[Armoured_Combat:Procedures_for_Changes_to_These_Rules|12.3.a]] and the subsequent paragraphs renumbered. This change means that the Sovereign may not waive Lochac's satrdards which are additional to those of the Society Marshal's Handbook
;[[Armoured_Combat:Procedures_for_Changes_to_These_Rules| 12.5.d]]
:[[Armoured_Combat:Procedures_for_Changes_to_These_Rules| 12.5.d]] has had reference to the Society Marshal removed as the list of required approvals is more extensive.
===[[Armoured Combat:Glossary|Changes to Glossary]]===
;Archers Gauntlets
:Archers Gauntlets have been removed from the glossary. Demi-gauntlets are the minimum requirement for combat archers, siege engineers and those using throwing weapons. Removed from Society rules in 2008.
;Society Marshal
:References to Society Earl Marshal have been corrected to Society Marshal, in line with Corpora and the Society Marshal's Handbook.

[[Category:Fighters Handbook|N]]
[[Category:Fighters Handbook|N]]

Revision as of 08:39, 9 July 2021

We will aim to keep the last 12 months of changes in the published PDF.

1. Classes of participant and combat

  • Updated minimum ages for participants - war is an armoured combat activity. No person under the age of 16 can authorise for armoured combat according to Society rules.
  • Updated heavy to armoured combat in its relevant contexts throughout.
  • Some simplification of language

2. Combat authorisation requirements

  • Updated heavy to armoured combat in its relevant contexts throughout.

2.1 General

  • Updated 2.1.1 to make this more specific to armoured combat and refined definition of armoured combat
  • Updated 2.1.2 to include renewals being the same process as authorising for the first time, and that the requirement to demonstrate ability means there must be a practical component to all authorisation tests. Clarified which bits you needed to be able to apply (eg know while fighting, and which bits you could look up
  • Updated 2.1.5 to reword for clarity, and to include Siege Marshals being able to do Siege authorisations
  • Added 2.1.6 to remind people that they need to send in their own signed form.
  • 2.1.7 reminds senior marshals that they must have their card back from Lists before they can perform authorisations - they can't do it from their own paperwork, they must be a valid senior marshal in the system on the date they perform someone else's authorisation.
  • 2.1.9 The Kingdom Lists Officer doesn't need to provide the Earl Marshal with a list of current authorisations as the database is accessible to the Earl Marshal.

2.2 Age restrictions

  • Updated 2.2.1.b to include participants in the age restriction.
  • Removed 2.2.1.c - Persons between the ages of 14 and 16 may be authorised as plumed auxiliaries. Banner bearing is part of armoured combat according to Society Rules - 14-16 as plumed auxiliaries is no longer allowed by Society rules.
  • Removed 2.2.1.d - No person below the age of 14 may be authorised for any form of SCA combat-related activity. Not relevant for this rule set
  • Updated rule 2.2.1.e (now c) for under 14s not being allowed to train/swing an armoured combat weapon to be specific for this rule set.

2.3 Minor authorisation

  • Updated 2.3.1 to 16 years from 14 years
  • Updated 2.3.1.a to make it clear that the parent/guardian needs to talk to the senior marshal doing the authorisation.
  • Updated 2.3.1.b to add the Kingdom Armoured Combat Marshal
  • Updated 2.3.2 to be specific to this rule book.

3. Rules of the Lists

  • Changes were made at Society level to the Rules of the List in Corpora in March 2021 - for gender neutral terms, to remove the right of the Sovereign to waive additional Kingdom standards (thanks to Lochac), and to be more consistent with terminology.

4. Conventions of combat

  • Updated references to the Earl Marshal to include reference to their deputy, the Kingdom Armoured Combat Marshal
  • Updated throughout to make more specific to armoured combat.
  • Simplified language and changed to refer to you as the audience throughout
  • Updated Marshal-in-Charge of the field to responsible marshal throughout
  • 4.5.6. a and b - separated the information about nocking bows etc into two sub rules.
  • 4.6.4 split into three rules.

5. The use of weapons and shields

  • Updated throughout to refer to you as the audience and simplify language.
  • 5.1.1 - added General heading to fix rules numbering collision.
  • Added - "Archers may have a backup weapon on them, but may not draw it until their bow/crossbow has been safely disposed of (taken off the field, discarded in a low traffic area, handed to another combatant, etc). Upon drawing a backup weapon to enter combat, hands must be appropriately armoured." This had been previously removed in the 2009 rules when we didn't allow non-plumed archers.
  • Added 5.1.3 - Missile and Thrown Weapons - moved use of missile weapons rules out of Missile weapons standards section as these are about use not construction.
  • - clarified that bows and non-rigid quivers need to be inspected if they are struck by anything, not just missile fire, to allow for non-plumed archers who may be struck.
  • Added - "Archers may carry and use thrown weapons without need to discard their bow/crossbow or change hand armour". This had been previously removed in the 2009 rules when we didn't allow non-plumed archers.

6. Target areas and acknowledgement of blows

  • Simplified language and updated to refer to you as the audience throughout
  • Updated heavy combatant to armoured combatant
  • 6.3.3 and 4 - appeared to have been misformatted as sub rules, now reformatted

7. Armour requirements

  • Simplified language and updated to refer to you as the audience throughout.
  • Updated heavy combatant to armoured combatant throughout.
  • 7.2.3 - updated to specifically include training and pick-ups in needing armour inspections.
  • 7.2.6 - updated to match Society requirement (VI.A) to disguise, cover or remove modern corporate logos and sport gear unless the gear is necessary for medical reasons
  • - updated to clarify that the metal for helmets needs to be at least 1.6mm thick when completed, also see
  • - rephrased and updated include other construction techniques that thin the metal.
  • 7.5.7.g - added "Maille used for screening must not have openings greater than 5mm."
  • 7.5.8 - added a requirement for mesh to be secured against sideways movement, and vertical.
  • 7.9.1 - updated to clarify that all kidney protection must have padding, unless it's Zoombang, as stated by Society Armoured Combat Marshal.
  • 7.9.2 - removed gendered language

8. Melee weapon standards

  • Updated to refer to you as the audience throughout, and simplified language
  • 8.1.13 - clarification about crossguards and tsuba after question was raised - answer from Society Armoured Combat Marshal

9. Throwing weapons standards

  • Updated to refer to you as the audience.
  • 9.1.1 - separated into two rules - when you can use throwing weapons, and that some throwing weapons can be held in the had and used for striking.
  • Updated shall to must for clarity

10. Missile weapons standards

  • Moved 10.1.9-10, 10.3.9-13, 10.4.2-3 to a new sub section in the Use of Weapons and Shields as they were about use, not construction.
  • 10.1.1 - updated to refer to you as the audience
  • 10.1.7 - removed requirement from Kingdom to be written on projectiles - we are unlikely to take our projectiles to other kingdoms.
  • 10.3.1 - added the Kingdom Armoured Combat Marshal and the Kingdom Archery Marshal.

11. Grievances and sanctions

  • 11.1 - dispute resolution procedures copied from updated Kingdom Law, links updated.
  • 11.2 - addition of Kingdom Armoured Combat Marshal to the chain

12. Procdeures to change these rules

  • Updated links to current Kingdom Law
  • Updated to refer to Group Armoured Combat Marshal, include Kingdom Armoured Combat Marshal

13. Glossary

  • Updated definition of armoured combatant
  • Updated definition of Earl Marshal
  • Added Kingdom Armoured Combat Marshal
  • Updated rostered marshal