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Grievance Procedures

This procedure is included from section X.3 of Lochac Kingdom Law (Jan 2019). It is reproduced here for convenience. In the event of differences between current Lochac Kingdom Law and this text, Lochac Kingdom Law shall have precedence.

  1. Anyone having a dispute with, or grievance against, another in Lochac, that is not a mundane legal matter or dealt with in SCA policy, shall first attempt to settle the matter as follows:
    1. First Stage - The person shall hold a direct and private discussion with the other and attempt to come to a resolution. An impartial mediator may be present if either party desires it. Whilst an in-person discussion is often the quickest way to resolve a dispute, on occasions this can be intimidating: a discussion by telephone or in writing also fulfils the requirement for direct communication.
    2. Second Stage - If the matter cannot be resolved, the person shall bring the matter to the attention of the most appropriate local officer, or the Local Seneschal if there is no appropriate local officer. If the dispute is with someone outside the local area, the dispute will be brought to the Kingdom officer. If the grievance is against a landed Baronage, the dispute will be brought directly to the Crown. The relevant officer should then attempt to arbitrate a resolution.
    3. Third Stage - If the dispute cannot be settled at a local level, it should be brought to the attention of the most appropriate Kingdom Officer. The relevant officer should then attempt to arbitrate a resolution.
    4. Serious Disputes - If the dispute is of such magnitude that all steps above have failed and a formal complaint is necessary, details of such complaints shall be sent to the person being complained against, the local Seneschal, the Seneschal, and the Crown via the Seneschal. Complaints against any officer shall be directed to the officer's superior in addition to the above.
  2. Equal Hearing - At all stages of any grievance both parties must be given the opportunity to declare their views and be given equal hearing.

Revocation of Authorisations

  1. Authorisations may be revoked by a marshal for just and stated cause. People subject to revocation of their authorsation are required to immediately surrender all of their authorisation cards. Refusal or delay in surrendering authorisation cards is a serious infraction of these rules and may result in severe sanctions.
  2. People subject to revocation of authorisations may appeal the sanction, but must surrender their card and abide by the sanction until the appeals process is complete.
  3. The chain of appeals is as follows:
    1. the Kingdom Earl Marshal; then
    2. the Crown; then
    3. the Society Earl Marshal.
  4. Any marshal who revokes an authorisation must report this action, in writing, to their superior officer and the Kingdom Earl Marshal as soon as possible.
  5. Any marshal revoking an authorisation without due cause may themselves be subject to sanctions including, but not limited to, loss of authorisations.
  6. The Kingdom Earl Marshal must notify the Society Earl Marshal of any revocation of authorisations.
  7. In addition to any steps taken by the marshallate, infractions involving breaches of mundane law should be referred immediately to the appropriate authorities.