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Board/Committee approval for rule changes
The Board of SCA Ltd Australia and SCANZ Inc have liability, so should have sign off on rule changes. If not, are they happy for a non-member (eg not a member of SCA Ltd) to make decisions that affect their liability.
This also affects one of the Rules of the Lists - the Sovereign can't just waive something like our requirement for mesh during mixed combat.
Armoured Combat - Fighters Handbook
- Fighters Handbook pdf
- Fighters Handbook Landing page
- Fighters Handbook Title Page
- Fighters Handbook Change Log
Armoured Combat Editing Notes
Combat Authorisation Reqs
- Update to urls where available
- Suggest upping minimum age for banner bearers to 16. War is an armoured combat activity, and no armoured combatant may be under 16. It walks like a duck, sounds like a duck...
Armour requirement
- Update as per rulings and clarifications in text of notes.
- get a diagram of the parts of the hand and wrist which must be armoured.
Melee Weapon standards
- Footnote re towball covers can be removed but this exemption is now no longer relevant due to the existence of low-profile thrusting tips.
- "Restraints are not required on great weapons or spears used single-handed, or on single-handed back-up weapons less than 45 centimetres in length." Society rules don't include a max length for back-up single-handed weapons not requiring lanyards. Is this a specifically Lochac thing?
- incorporate changes from rulings in notes
Missile Weapon Standards
- Define rigid and non-rigid quivers (use rigid material standards?)
Changes to rules
- also need to update change log page when changes are incorporated
- should also require the approval of the SCA NZ Inc committee and SCA Ltd Australia Board as they hold the liability.
- changes to the rules which would affect our exemptions should also include an update to those exemptions from Society Earl Marshal.
Armoured Combat - Marshals Handbook
Armoured Combat - Siege Handbook
Editing notes - Siege
Siege Engines and Structures
- Pick what metric conversion is being used for imperial measurements - 1/2 inch = 12 or 13mm?
- Change log notes - Adjustment of measurement units, conversion to NZ/Aus English standard spelling
Rapier Combat Handbook
Rapier Editing notes
Remove reference to indemnities
- these are covered by membership and event and practice attendance and are not specific to combat.
Rapier - Introduction
- Rules change process described should match Armoured Combat requirements - announcement in court, publication in Pegasus etc.
- Update web link to new location when changed
Rapier - Canon
- Consider separating sections
- General Information
- Behaviour On The Field
- Use of Weapons and Parrying Devices
- Acknowledgement of Blows
- Melee/War Combat
- Metric conversion of imperial units
Rapier - Equipment Specifications
- Metric conversion of imperial units - Armoured Combat uses 6mm for 1/4 inch
Rapier - Authorisations
- We're keeping indemnities for minors for 21 years??
Rapier - Administration
- What are SCA Lochac (NZ & AUS) requirements for working with youth?
- Why is Rapier not under the Group Marshal - as it is at Kingdom level?
- Chiropracter as health professional?
- Quarter Courts don't exist anymore - use grievance procedure as per Kingdom Law
Rapier - Glossary
Suggested further glossary items:
- Cloak
- Draw cut
- Tip cut
- Push cut
- Percussive cut
- Blade grasps
- Abrasion-Resistant Material
- Material that will withstand normal combat stresses (such as being snagged by an unbroken blade) without tearing. Examples include, but are not limited to:
- broadcloth
- a single layer of heavy poplin cloth (35% cotton, 65% polyester; "trigger" cloth)
- sweat pants
- Woven knit tights or lycra /spandex mix tights.
- Nylon pantyhose and cotton gauze shirts are examples of unacceptable materials.
- Puncture-Resistant Material
- Any fabric or combination of fabrics that passes the Standard Fencing Armour Test set out under rule Examples may include, but are not limited to:
- 2 mm leather
- four layers of heavy poplin cloth
- ballistic nylon rated to at least 550 Newtons
- commercial fencing clothing rated to at least 550 Newtons.
- Kevlar is not an acceptable material, as it degrades rapidly.
- Rigid Material
- Puncture-resistant materials that will not significantly flex, spread apart, or deform under pressure of 12 kg applied by a standard mask tester repeatedly to any single point. Examples of rigid material that may comply with the standard for Rigid Material are:
- 0.8 mm stainless steel 1.0 mm mild steel
- 1.6 mm aluminium, copper, or brass
- One layer of hardened heavy leather (8oz, 4 mm).
- The mesh of a standard fencing mask
- Resilient Padding
- Any material or combination of materials - equivalent to 6mm (0.25 inches) of closed cell foam - which absorbs some of the force of a thrust or blow. The standard padded bib of a fencing mask may meet this requirement, depending on construction.
- Standard Fencing Armour Test (SFAT)
- used for testing Puncture Resistant Material.
- Fleche
- running at an opponent with rapier extended
- Lists
- Melee
- Parrying Devices
- Non-rigid parrying device
- Parrying Gauntlet
- Rubber band gun
- Pole Weapon
- Rapier (referred to as Heavy Rapier in the Society Rules)
- Cut and Thrust Rapier.