Behaviour on the Field

From SCA Lochac
Revision as of 05:07, 12 May 2020 by Angele (talk | contribs)
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  1. You must not hit other fighters too hard.
  2. You must follow the instructions of the marshals on the field whenever they tell you do do something.
  3. You must not lose your temper.
  4. If something unsafe happens, the marshal will call "HOLD" and you should stop immediately, and wait for the marshal to say that you can start again.
  5. You must not take unfair advantage if the other fighter is worried about safety, or is being chivalrous.
  6. You must not deliberately hit a fighter who has dropped their weapon, or fallen over, or is unable to defend themselves
  7. If you deliberately try to get an unfair advantage by becoming helpless (for example, by falling down or losing your weapon) the marshals will give you a warning. If you do it again, you will lose the fight and have to leave the field.
  8. You aren't allowed to grab, trip, throw, punch, kick, or wrestle with the other fighters.
  9. You aren't allowed to deliberately hit the other fighter with your shield. It might happen by accident.
  10. You aren't allowed to grab the other fighter, their shield or their weapon.
  11. Target Areas
    1. Legal target areas are the same as those in adult rattan combat, except face thrusts are not allowed in Division 1.
    2. If you get hit in the throat or groin, you should take it as being good, but you shouldn't try to hit the other fighter there.