Youth Armoured Combat Draft:Marshal's Section

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{{DISPLAYTITLE:Marshal's Section} }



  1. Youth Armoured Combat Marshals
  2. Youth Armoured Combat Authorising Marshals
  3. Group Youth Armoured Combat Marshals
  4. Kingdom Deputy Earl Marshal for Youth Armoured Combat/Kingdom Youth Armoured Combat Marshal
  5. Earl Marshal
  6. Deputy Society Marshal for Youth Combat
  7. Society Marshal


  1. There are three types of people that go by the name "marshal" in youth armoured combat:
    • authorised marshals
    • marshals who are group officers
    • marshals who have specific roles at events.
  2. "Rostered marshal" is a general term for authorised youth armoured combat marshals and youth armoured combat authorising marshals who are current SCA members (subscribing members, not just event members).

Types of authorised marshal

There are three types of authorised marshal in youth armoured combat:

  • Youth armoured combat marshal
  • Youth armoured combat authorising marshal.

Marshals as officers

There are three levels of marshals as officers:

  • Group Youth Armoured Combat Marshals for local groups (baronies, shires, cantons and colleges)
  • the Kingdom Youth Armoured Combat Marshal/Deputy Earl Marshal for Youth Armoured Combat
  • the Kingdom Earl Marshal.

Marshals for events and practices

There are three types of marshals for events and practices:

  • Field marshals
  • Responsible marshals for a field (e.g. a tournament list, war field or pick-up area)
  • Marshal-in-charge for an event or practice.

Ranks of authorised marshal

Summary of roles
Rostered marshals Rostered marshals
Youth armoured combat marshal Youth armoured combat authorising marshal
Subscribing membership required* Yes Yes
Inspect equipment Yes Yes
Field marshal Yes Yes
Responsible marshal for a field Yes Yes
Marshal-in-mharge of an event or practice Yes Yes
Authorise fighters No Yes
Authorise marshals No Yes

Youth armoured combat marshal

A rostered youth armoured combat marshal can:

  • inspect armour and weapons
  • be responsible marshal for a field
  • be Marshal-in-Charge of an event or practice
  • be a field marshal.

Youth armoured combat authorising marshal

  1. A youth armoured combat authorising marshal is a rostered youth armoured marshal who may authorise:
    • youth armoured combatants
    • youth sparring partners
    • youth armoured combat marshals.
  2. A youth armoured combat authorising marshal may also become Kingdom Youth Armoured Combat Marshal.

Marshals as officers

Group Youth Armoured Combat Marshal

  1. Group Youth Armoured Combat Marshals must be members.
  2. Group Youth Armoured Combat Marshals do not have to be authorised youth armoured combat marshals, or authorised fighters in any combat form.
  3. The Group Youth Armoured Combat Marshal is responsible for the administration of youth armoured combat in their group. They are not necessarily required to organise marshalling for any specific event (that is the responsibility of the Marshal-in-Charge for the event, who is appointed by the event steward).
  4. Group Youth Armoured Combat Marshals report to the Kingdom Youth Armoured Combat Marshal (see Chain of Command and Reporting).
  5. The Group Youth Armoured Combat Marshal has a role in the chain of appeals if they are an authorised youth armoured combat marshal (see Sanctions and Appeals).

Kingdom Youth Armoured Combat Marshal

A deputy of the Earl Marshal who is responsible for youth armoured combat.

  1. They are appointed by the Kingdom Earl Marshal for a two-year term, as described in Lochac Law.
  2. They must be a youth armoured combat authorising marshal, and must be a member of the SCA or its affiliates.

Kingdom Earl Marshal

  1. The Kingdom Earl Marshal is responsible for overseeing all combat-related activities in Lochac.
  2. They are appointed by the Crown.
  3. They must be a member of the SCA or its affiliates.
  4. They must be an authorising marshal (or equivalent) in at least one of the following fields: armoured combat, rapier, equestrian.
  5. The Kingdom Earl Marshal must have deputies with responsibility for any combat-related activities for which they are not themselves an authorising marshal (or equivalent). They may have warranted deputies for other areas (e.g. a Kingdom Earl Marshal who is a senior marshal for both armoured combat and an authorising fencing marshal may still choose to have deputies for one, or both, of those areas).
  6. In addition to their warranted deputies, the Kingdom Earl Marshal may appoint other deputies, for various purposes as they see fit, e.g. running test programs, maintaining the combat handbook, or maintaining the marshallate website.
  7. The Kingdom Earl Marshal must appoint a deputy within six months of assuming office, capable of assuming the office in case of emergency.

Marshals for events and practices


One person may fill several of the roles listed below. For example, it is common for the Marshal-in-Charge for the event, responsible marshal for a field of combat, and one of the field marshals to be the same person.

Field marshals

Field marshals:

  • may not be a sparring partner at the same time as they are marshalling.
  • are appointed by the responsible marshal for the field.
  • declare the beginning and end of a passage of combat.
  • report to the responsible marshal, Marshal-in-Charge and/or up the reporting lines as required.
  • must see that the results of combat are carried to the list keeper. (We expect results will be carried by an assistant or a herald, but the responsible marshal needs to make sure it happens.

Responsible marshal for a field of combat (any area where combat is taking place)

  1. For every area where youth armoured combat is taking place (including pick-up fights), there must be a responsible marshal for that field who has overall responsibility for that combat.
  2. The responsible marshal for a field may be a different person for different bouts or scenarios in the same tournament or war.
  3. The responsible marshal for a field:
    • must be satisfied that there are sufficient field marshals.
    • may participate as a sparring parter for one-on-one pick-up fighting, as long as there are field marshals.

Marshal-in-Charge of an event or practice

  1. Every youth armoured combat event or practice must have a designated Marshal-in-Charge.
  2. They must be a rostered youth armoured combat marshal.
  3. They organise marshalling of youth armoured combat at the event, and must make sure there are sufficient marshals to oversee whatever youth armoured combat takes place.
  4. They report on all youth armoured combat activities at the event, as required by the event steward, Group Youth Armoured Combat Marshal, Kingdom Youth Armoured Combat Marshal or Earl Marshal.

Requirements to act as a marshal

  1. You must be at least 18 years old.
  2. You must have a current authorisation as a youth armoured combat marshal
  3. To act as a rostered youth armoured combat marshal you must also be a subscribing member (not event member) of the SCA or its affiliates.
  4. You must show your authorisation card and proof of membership to the lists officer, responsible marshal or Marshal-in-Charge, if required.
  5. You must meet all the standards for working with children in the country/state you are marshalling in.

Marshal responsibilities

  1. Monitor activities and behavior on the field and immediately stop all potentially hazardous or unchivalrous activities.
  2. Marshals on the field are expected to take an active role in safety, sportsmanship and assistance in calibration.
    1. Youth Combat Marshals have a greater responsibility to intervene than their counterparts in adult martial activities.
    2. The younger the combatants, the more active the marshaling becomes.
  3. Marshals will remove any combatant who refuses to obey the commands of the marshals or other officials.
  4. Supervise youth armoured combat training activities

Marshal-in-Charge responsibilities:

  1. Only a rostered Youth Armoured Combat Marshal may be the marshal-in-charge of a youth armoured combat event or practice.
  2. The marshal-in-charge at any official event, including practices, is responsible for:
    1. ensuring that all waiver and background check policies are complied with.
    2. preparing (or having prepared) and submitting all required reports and forms.
    3. ensuring that there are enough marshals and ?constables? to control the activity.
    4. checking that the field can be safely fought upon and an appropriate buffer zone is provided between the list or battlefield and spectators as necessary.
    5. Ensuring that prior to any combat (practice or tournament) all equipment be inspected and meets all safety and armor requirements pertaining to the appropriate division.