Fencing Combat Handbook

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Revision as of 21:35, 13 April 2022 by Angele (talk | contribs)
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Face covering requirement for NZ marshals - now removed

With NZ's move to the Orange traffic light setting for our COVID restrictions from 11:59pm 13th of April, the requirement for marshals in NZ to wear face coverings is now removed. As with all of our armour requirements, you are welcome to wear additional protective equipment above the minimums to meet your personal appetite for risk. Anyone giving you grief for wearing a face covering would not meet our standards for courteous behaviour.

Angele de Savigny - Earl Marshal

Fencing Combat Handbook - PDF version

  1. Introduction
  2. Rules for fencers
  3. Rules for marshals
  4. Rules for managing incidents
  5. Rules for equipment
  6. Inspections
  7. Safety tests
  8. Authorisation procedures
  9. Changing the rules
  10. Glossary
  11. Change log and Notes