Youth Armoured Combat Draft:Divisions

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Divisions and Sparring Partners

  1. There are three divisions for youth armoured combat in Lochac. These are based on age and have different rules for what weapons you can use, what armour you can wear, and how hard you can hit.
    • Division 1 is for children from age 6 to age 9.
    • Division 2 is for children from age 10 to age 13.
    • Division 3 is for children from age 13 to age 17.
  2. Some children are very small or very large for their age, and some grow up earlier or later than others, so you might be moved to a higher division, or a lower division, if your parent asks for that and the marshals say that is allowed.
  3. Sometimes there will only be a small number of fighters at an event or practice, so you can fight others in another division if you have permission from your opponent's parent or nominated caregiver, and the marshal-in-charge.
  4. You have to follow the rules for the division of your opponent if they are younger than you. This means that if you are in Division 2, you can fight someone from Division 1, but you have to use the armour, weapons and rules for hitting from Division 1.
  5. You are allowed to take part in youth armoured combat while you are training for adult combat.
  6. If you authorise in adult armoured combat, you have graduated from youth armoured combat and you aren't allowed to take part in youth armoured combat tournaments, except as a bye fighter (you can't win any prizes). You can still take part in youth armoured combat training activities and we encourage you to become a Sparring Partner, and then a marshal once you turn are 18. What about adult fencing? Note: being a marshal requires you to be 18 for all activities - you're acting as an officer of the org, you also need to be a member.
  7. If you are a parent or nominated caregiver, you can always spar with your own children. See Adult Participation for more information.

Youth armoured combat sparring partner

  1. These are people who have been authorised to spar with youth combatants.
  2. They must be able to demonstrate a sound working knowledge of the weapons, armour, and calibration levels appropriate to all divisions.