Armoured Combat:Change Log

From SCA Lochac
Revision as of 22:36, 26 June 2018 by Angele (talk | contribs)
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Change log
Rule change Date
Rule had a footnote "Helms made prior to 2002 of 1.3mm (18 gauge) will be accepted for use by their original owner only, and then only as plumed particpant armour, until the 1stof August, 2008 at which time they will no longer be accepted as legal. All new helms must be 1.6mm (16 gauge) minimum thickness." This footnote is no longer valid and has been removed. 27 June 2018
Rule 7.11.1 - corrected to match Society minimum requirement for hand protection to extend to 26mm (1 inch) above the wrist. The footnote about coverage has been removed. 27 June 2018
Rule 7.16 and 7.17 are formatting errors in the 2009 pdf and have been put back into 7.15 Noncombatant Armour Requirements as 7.15.5 and 7.15.6 27 June 2018
Updated Missile Weapons Standards 10.3.3 to include species name and common names for allowed timbers, removed ramen/ramin as an approved timber type for combat arrows, and added Western Red Cedar 26 June 2018
Conversion of Kingdom of Lochac Combat Handbook 2009 to wiki format 26 June 2018