Armoured Combat Draft notes:The Use of Weapons and Shields

From SCA Lochac
Revision as of 09:06, 24 April 2021 by Angele (talk | contribs)
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11 April 2021
  • 5.1 and 5.2- Updated throughout to refer to you as the audience and simplify language.
  • 5.1.1 - added General heading to fix rules numbering collision.
  • Added - "Archers may have a backup weapon on them, but may not draw it until their bow/crossbow has been safely disposed of (taken off the field, discarded in a low traffic area, handed to another combatant, etc). Upon drawing a backup weapon to enter combat, hands must be appropriately armoured." This had been previously removed in the 2009 rules when we didn't allow non-plumed archers.
  • Added 5.1.3 - Missile and Thrown Weapons - moved use of missile weapons rules out of Missile weapons standards section as these are about use not construction.
  • - clarified that bows and non-rigid quivers need to be inspected if they are struck by anything, not just missile fire.
  • Added - "Archers may carry and use thrown weapons without need to discard their bow/crossbow or change hand armour". This had been previously removed in the 2009 rules when we didn't allow non-plumed archers.
  • Edited 5.2.4 to remove the passive voice.
17 April 2021
  • Updated heavy to armoured combat as relevant in the context throughout.
24 April 2021
  • 5.1.3 Updated to you as the audience throughout.