Youth Armoured Combat:Injury Procedures

From SCA Lochac
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  1. In the event of any suspected injury on the field, the marshal shall halt all fighting in the area and determine the proper course of action. The parent, or responsible adult, shall be informed immediately and escorted to the list if not already there.
  2. When an injury occurs on the field, it should always be remembered that the primary concern is getting to and assisting the injured party. Secondary to this objective, but no less important, is the safety of persons entering the field to help and the well-being of anyone already on the field. (For example, fighters standing around in armour in the sun could be subject to heat problems.)
  3. In the event of an emergency, the marshals shall cooperate with any authorised persons responding to the emergency and keep the area clear of would-be spectators.
  4. All injuries that require hospitalisation or similar care, include a period of unconsciousness, or may require future medical care shall be reported to the Marshal-in-charge of the event and the Lochac Deputy for Youth Armoured Combat. Include all available details in the report.