Youth Armoured Combat Draft:Experimentation

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{{DISPLAYTITLE:Experimentation} }

Experimenting with the rules

  1. As experiments may create liability issues, the Kingdom Youth Armoured Combat Marshal can only approve an experimental program with the agreement of:
  2. the Kingdom Earl Marshal; and
    • the Society Youth Combat Marshal (if the rule change needs to happen to Society youth combat rules); and
    • the Committee of SCA New Zealand Inc and Board of SCA Ltd Australia, and their insurers.
  3. If an experiment is approved in one country and not the other, it may only be conducted in the approved country.
  4. To obtain approval, the people proposing the change must submit an experimental program plan including:
    • a description of the proposed new weapon, technique or equipment change
    • Which rules don't allow it to occur now and how do the rules need to change to allow it.
    • a description of how the experiment will be conducted in training or combat
    • a minimum time frame for the experiment to be conducted
    • a reporting schedule (at least quarterly)
    • anticipated risks
    • contact information for the person who will conduct the experiment and report to the Kingdom Youth Armoured Combat Marshal.
  5. The Kingdom Youth Armoured Combat Marshal will report at least quarterly to the Kingdom Earl Marshal, and the Society Youth Combat Marshal where relevant, on the progress of the experiment, including any injuries and any concerns from fighters, parents or marshals involved in the experiment.
  6. Where relevant, the Society Youth Combat Marshal will decide if the rule change should be recommended to the Society Marshal.
  7. The Society Marshal will decide whether to recommend that the SCA Board of Directors approve changes to the Society Youth Combat Handbook.
  8. Incorporating the change into the rules permanently will follow the procedures set out in Changes to the rules.

Experiments in use

  1. All parents, or responsible adults, must consent to the use of the weapon or material before combat begins.
    1. If any of the parents, responsible adult, combatants, or marshals object, the material or weapon may not be used in that fight or battle.