Rules Revision check questions

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The purpose of the page is to collect questions to use in testing revisions of these rules. When making changes to the rules, these questions should be checked to make they can be quickly and unambiguously answered by anyone reading the rules.

They’re currently unordered, but they should get grouped once more questions have been set.

  • What can a bow be made out of?
  • Can I use a compound bow?
  • Can I use fibreglass arrows?
  • Can I use a PVC bow?
  • How old do you need to be to shoot a bow?
    • What about a crossbow?
    • What about thrown weapons?
  • Do you need an authorisation to participate in archery?
    • What about with crossbows?
    • What about thrown weapons?
  • How old do you need to be to be a Target Archery Marshal?
  • Do you need an authorisation to run an archery range?
  • Do you need an authorisation to help run an archery range?