Armoured Combat Draft notes:Chain Of Command

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23 April 2021


  • updated to be specific for armoured combat
  • updated name of SCA Australia Ltd
  • updated Society Marshal to match actual title
  • added Society Armored Combat Marshal as they are separate roles
  • updated title to Earl Marshal for consistency
  • added Kingdom Armoured Combat Marshal to make it specific to this rule set
  • updated to Group Armoured Combat Marshal to make it specific to this rule set
  • updated marshal-in-charge of the field to responsible marshal for the field


  • update to refer to Group Armoured Combat Marshals and Kingdom Armoured Combat Marshal
  • - updated to refer to Kingdom Armoured Combat Marshal
  • 8.2.2 - clarified for page name
  • 8.2.3 - updated reporting dates and relevant officer names
  • 8.2.4 - Updated to bullet points and numbered rules and made specific to Group Marshal for Armoured Combat
  • 8.2.5 - Updated to Group Armoured Combat Marshal, and made specific to armoured combat, made into numbered rulesg, updated for existence of Kingdom Armoured Combat Marshal.
  • 8.2.6 - Updated to be relevant for this rule set and refer to the Kingdom Armoured Combat Marshal, added new reporting dates and Society Armoured Combat Marshal
  • 8.2.7 - Updated to Earl Marshal for consistency. Updated reporting dates.