Equestrian Draft:Equestrian Programme

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Equestrian activities and jurisdiction

  1. The equestrian marshallate has jurisdiction over all SCA equestrian activities and related activities.
    Suggest rewording to: Equestrian and equestrian-related activities fall under the jurisdiction of the Earl Marshal, and by delegation, the Kingdom Equestrian Officer and the equestrian marshallate have jurisdiction over all SCA equestrian and equestrian-related activities.
  2. SCA equestrian activities include, but are not limited to:
    Maybe these are a definition list with example of what the activity is?
    Could we just say that "SCA equestrian activities include any activity that includes working with, or in the presence of, equines at SCA events or practices." Then have a list of the things we do in Lochac?
    • riding
    • driving
    • packing and carting
    • horse-handling
    • processions
    • games
    • thrown weapons
    • mounted archery
    • mounted combat
    • use of other period equipment while mounted/driving
    • jousting Are we including it?
    • marshalling
    • authorising (this feels like it's captured by the other bits)
    • and ground crewing.
  3. SCA equestrian-related activities include:
    • being present at equestrian activities as an observer Suggest rewording to: being a spectator at equestrian activities
    • any other activity that includes the presence of an equine at events held by the SCA and its affiliates.
  4. Any animals, other than equines, are not covered by these rules, and fall under the jurisdiction of the seneschal. However, requests to bring other large animals to events where equines are present should be with the agreement of the equestrian marshal-in-charge, as other animals may disturb equines.