Appendix 2 - Experimental Weapons and Activities Procedures

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Society Approval

  1. Current Society Experimental Equestrian Activities are listed on the Society Equestrian Officer's webpage at
  2. Before any substantially new weapon or activity can be used in Society Equestrian Activities, a test plan must be submitted to and approved by the Society Marshal.
  3. Plans may be submitted by a kingdom (preferred), or by individual(s)
  4. The plan shall describe:
    1. The new weapon or activity
    2. A detailed outline of the test and its scope, and reporting data
    3. How it will be administered (at the Kingdom or Society level)
    4. Weapon: Specifics of materials used and construction, and provide samples
    5. Activity: Required armor or other equipment, and rules of engagement
    6. All restrictions that will be imposed during the experimental period

Kingdom Approval

  1. Kingdoms may choose to participate in approved programs (or not). Participation requires the approval of the Kingdom Equestrian Officer, the Kingdom Earl Marshal and the Board of SCA Ltd Australia and Committee of SCA NZ Inc.
    1. For Kingdom administered programs, each Kingdom can determine which marshals will oversee participation and how riders are identified to participate.
    2. For Society administered programs, the Society Equestrian Marshal will identify the marshals who will oversee participation, and which marshals can authorize participants.


  1. Participation may be open to all authorised riders/drivers, or limited to specific people based on experience or other criteria as determined by Kingdom or Society
  2. The weapon/activity may be used at SCA equestrian practice or tourneys, but only after all riders/drivers and equestrian marshals have been informed that the weapon/activity is experimental and that it is not approved for general SCA use.
    1. All riders/drivers who may be affected by the new weapon must consent to the use of the weapon. It may not be used during interactions with any rider/driver who objects to its use, but can be used with those who consent.
    2. All riders/drivers who participate in a new activity must consent to participate. No rider/driver may be compelled to participate in an experimental activity.

Reporting and Conclusion

  1. The Kingdom Equestrian Officer shall report quarterly to their Kingdom Earl Marshal and the Society Equestrian Marshal (or the designated deputy) on the progress and results of the experiment.
  2. Periodically the Society Equestrian Marshal, after consultation with the Kingdom Equestrian Officers, shall determine if the weapon or activity seems suitable for general SCA Equestrian activities, or if the program needs to be extended or terminated.
    1. Suitable: Society Equestrian Marshal shall submit a test summary with recommendations to the Society Marshal for final adjudication. The test summary shall include the approved plan, a summary of the data and conclusions, a list of any injuries, and any concerns from riders/drivers and marshals arising from the testing.
    2. Extended: Society Equestrian Marshal shall submit a report to the Society Marshal on the progress and need for extension.
    3. Terminated: Society Equestrian Marshal shall submit a report to the Society Marshal on the reasons why.