Equestrian Draft:Rider Driver Requirements

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{{DISPLAYTITLE:Rider/Driver Requirements} }

Authorisation Requirements

  1. Authorisation must take place at an official SCA activity such as an advertised event and/or practice.
  2. An individual must be an authorised equestrian in order to ride at an event. The only exceptions to this requirement are:
    1. An individual in the process of authorising under the supervision of an Equestrian Marshal.
    2. An individual being led by an authorised equestrian.
    3. Individual(s) demonstrating an activity with the approval of the Kingdom Equestrian Officer. The Equestrian Marshal in Charge of the event shall oversee the demonstration subject to the following requirements:
      1. The demonstration must be conducted under the supervision of a warranted equestrian marshal.
      2. The Equestrian Marshal in Charge shall provide an event report to the Kingdom Equestrian Officer, which includes a description of the demonstration and any comments or concerns.
  3. Authorisations shall not be issued to persons residing in other kingdoms.
  4. An equestrian marshal from any kingdom may suspend the authorisation of an equestrian from any other kingdom for the duration of an event for just and stated cause. The Equestrian Marshal in Charge of the event should be notified immediately and the Earl Marshal and Kingdom Equestrian Officer of the equestrian's kingdom of residence should receive a detailed report of the incident within 5 business days.

Authorisation Types

There are four types of authorisations:

  • General Riding
  • Mounted Games
  • Driving
  • Special Authorisation

General Riding

  1. A person with this authorisation may participate in the following activities:
    • General Riding
    • Processions (or leading an unauthorised rider during a procession)
  2. The Authorisation Equestrian Marshal should consider the following:
    1. The individual must demonstrate familiarity with the Lochac Equestrian Handbook, and the nature of equestrian activities within the Society.
    2. The individual must demonstrate an awareness of the risks inherent to equestrian activities, including recognition of how their current skill level relates to the equine they intend to ride.
    3. The individual must demonstrate the ability to safely control their equine while engaging in SCA equestrian activities.

Mounted Games

  1. A person with this authorisation may participate in non-contact games such as, but not limited to the following examples:
    • Rings
    • Heads
    • Quintain
    • Spear throwing – pig sticking/tent pegging
  2. The Authorisation Equestrian Marshal should consider the following:
    1. The individual must hold a General Riding authorisation.
    2. The individual must demonstrate familiarity with, and the ability to safely handle and use, the equipment used in SCA mounted games.
    3. The individual must demonstrate the ability to safely control their equine while engaging in SCA equestrian activities while encumbered by the appropriate equipment.


  1. A person with this authorisation may participate in the following activities:
    • Driving is using harness and cart/gig/chariot,
    • Driven games with the passenger controlling weapons, driver controlling the horse.
    • Driving or harness work to offer transportation solutions both people and/or gear.
  2. The Authorisation Equestrian Marshal should consider the following:
    1. The individual must demonstrate familiarity with the Lochac Equestrian Handbook, and the nature of equestrian activities within the Society.
    2. The individual must demonstrate an awareness of the risks inherent to equestrian activities, including recognition of how their current skill level relates to equines and equipment they intend to drive, and how their equipment may affect other non-driving equines.
    3. The individual must demonstrate the ability to safely control their equine and driving equipment while engaging in SCA equestrian activities and (as applicable) encumbered by passengers and/or games equipment.

Special authorisations

  1. Kingdoms may establish special authorisations for certain activities. Special authorisations are required for mounted archery, mounted combat, crest combat, and jousting.

Mounted Combat

  1. The Authorisation Equestrian Marshal should consider the following:
    1. The individual must hold a General Riding authorisation.
    2. The individual must demonstrate familiarity with, and the ability to safely handle and use, the equipment used in SCA mounted combat.
    3. The individual must demonstrate the ability to safely control their equine while engaging in SCA equestrian activities while encumbered by the appropriate equipment.

Crest Combat

  1. Only valid target is the crest – using weapons as per specifications in the society equestrian handbook.

Heavy Combat

  1. Full body shots (human) using armour and weapon specifications as per the society equestrian handbook. No thrusting is permitted.

Mounted Archery

  1. A person with this authorisation may use a bow while riding.
  2. The Authorisation Equestrian Marshal should consider the following:
    1. The individual must hold a General Riding authorisation.
    2. The individual must demonstrate familiarity with, and the ability to safely handle and use the equipment used in Mounted Archery
    3. The individual must demonstrate the ability to safely control their equine while engaging in SCA equestrian activities while encumbered by the appropriate equipment. The rider must ensure the horse is happy with the noise and action of a bow prior to competition.
    4. Must be able to display ability to control horse during competition when reins may not be available.


Minors may be authorised as equestrians subject to the following limitations:

  1. Minors must be at least five (5) years of age in order to participate in equestrian activities, and be able to demonstrate the ability to control the equine, unassisted, at the gaits and in the activities covered by the authorisation sought. Age restrictions required by individual site owners must be observed.
  2. Minors are prohibited from participating in activities requiring a helm, namely jousting, crest combat, and mounted combat.
  3. A parent or legal guardian must be immediately available to the Equestrian Marshal in Charge when a minor is engaged in equestrian activities, including serving as ground crew.
  4. A parent or legal guardian must attend the authorisation process and execute a waiver authorising a minor to participate in equestrian activities. The parent or legal guardian must also sign the authorisation form.
  5. Minors must wear appropriate footwear (closed toed, and heeled if using stirrups) and approved equestrian riding helmets fitted according to the manufacturer's directions while mounted or driving.

Maximum term

No authorisation may be for a period greater than 4 years.

Out of Kingdom Authorisations

  1. Valid authorisation cards from other kingdoms shall be accepted as proof of authorisation. To renew in Lochac, the candidate must complete a Lochac authorisation.
  2. Authorisations shall not be issued to persons residing in other kingdoms.

Rider/Driver responsibility

  1. In order to participate in equestrian activities, each equestrian must accept responsibility for the following:
    1. Taking reasonable and prudent steps to ensure the well being of any equines over which they have control.
    2. Determining if a mount is suitable for their intended activities and riding/driving ability. They should consult the owner of, or person familiar with, any equine that they are not already familiar with prior to mounting/driving.
    3. Determining if tack or equipment is suitable for their intended activities and riding/driving ability.
    4. Limiting their participation to those activities in which they can maintain control of their equine.
    5. Exercising discretion when engaging in equestrian activities, recognising a need to avoid situations that create dangerous conditions. This includes maintaining an appropriate safety zone around the equine.
    6. Following the instructions of any equestrian marshals, in particular the instructions of the Equestrian Marshal in Charge.
  2. Failure to fulfil the above responsibilities may result in suspension of the rider's or driver's privilege to participate in equestrian activities for the duration of the event, or suspension or removal of their authorisation.
  3. Special attention should be paid to appearance and the atmosphere of a medieval event should be maintained. Authorised riders and marshals should disguise or cover modern gear as much as feasible and safety allows. Riders are expected to follow Society policy of wearing at least an attempt at pre-17th century clothing. An attempt at pre-17th century horse trappings or barding is expected (example: A simple squared cloth of period appearance covering the saddle pad).