General Information

From SCA Lochac
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  1. Rapier Combat shall be conducted in accordance with the Rules of the Lists for the SCA Inc. (see Appendix 6.2), the Society Rapier rules and these rules.
  2. All combatants, prior to every combat or practice, shall ensure their equipment is safe, in good working order and has been inspected by a member of the Kingdom Marshallate authorised to inspect rapier equipment.
  3. At inter-kingdom events, for any given Kingdom's tourney, guest combatants shall meet SCA standards for protective gear, but shall comply with whatever weapons standards are being used by the host kingdom for that tourney.
  4. The Crown's representative upon the field and in all matters dealing with Rapier Combat is the Earl Marshal, then the Kingdom Rapier Marshal, then, by delegation, members of the Kingdom Rapier Marshallate.
  5. For rapier combat to occur within Lochac, a Rapier Marshal in Charge must be assigned and each bout must be supervised by an authorised rapier combatant or rapier marshal. An authorised rapier marshal may marshal both Rapier, and Cut and Thrust Rapier.
  6. There are two categories of rapier combat in Lochac, each of which require separate authorisations. Unless specified otherwise, this document refers to both categories. These categories are:
    • Rapier (referred to as Heavy Rapier in the Society Rules); and
    • Cut and Thrust Rapier.
  7. HOLD: A call for immediate ceasing of all activity on the field for safety concerns.
    1. A hold may be called by anyone including spectators where a safety risk occurs (e.g. armour/weapons failure, injuries, boundary concerns etc.)
    2. Upon hearing the call of HOLD all participants must immediately:
      1. Stop all activity, check if they are in danger
      2. Repeat the call of HOLD until all activity on the field ceases and thence be silent to allow the marshals to be heard.
    3. A HOLD once called may only be lifted by a marshal after providing instructions to participants.