Use of Weapons and Parrying Devices

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  1. Blows will be struck by: thrusting with the point of the blade (thrust); sliding the edge of the blade by drawing (draw cut) or pushing (push cut); placing the tip of the blade upon, and then drawing it across an opponent (tip cut: see 2.4.14(a)); or discharging a simulated gunpowder-burning weapon (rubber band gun) so that the rubber projectile hits the target (shot).
  2. Cut and Thrust Rapier also includes the use of percussive cuts as valid blows. Percussive cuts must always be delivered with sufficient control so as to not injure the opponent while still delivering a clean and unimpeded blow.
  3. Percussive cuts, chopping or hacking blows may be used in a controlled manner only in Cut and Thrust Rapier combat. For Rapier combat they are never permitted. Fast circular movements (such as moulinets) may be used to place a blade for tip, draw or push cuts.
  4. Parries may be performed with weapons, parrying devices, the gloved hand, or any other part of the body. Though the gloved hand may be used to parry, it shall not be used to push, grasp or strike an opponent. Fleeting contact between opponents is allowed, as long as no grappling, deliberate striking or other unsafe behaviour occurs.
  5. Parrying devices may be used to move, deflect, or immobilise an opponent's weapon or parrying device, so long as such use does not endanger the safety of the combatants.
  6. Striking an opponent with any part of a weapon or parrying device not approved for that purpose is prohibited.
  7. No item of equipment other than cloaks or non-rigid parrying devices may be thrown except in controlled actions to remove equipment from the field.
  8. Grasping any part of an opponent's clothing or equipment except as otherwise explicitly permitted in these rules, e.g. blade grasping, is prohibited. "HOLD" shall be called if wrestling over any piece of equipment occurs.

Parrying Gauntlets

  1. Only those areas of the parrying gauntlet covered by mail or plate shall be considered to be protected. This protection should not extend beyond the wrist bones.
  2. The protected areas of the hand shall provide protection against loss of the hand due to cuts or sliding the hand down the opponent's blade
  3. The block of a straight thrust by a parrying gauntlet will be considered to have disabled the hand, since mail would not necessarily stop such a thrust from a rapier.

Cloaks and other non-rigid defensive equipment (hats, etc.)

  1. These may only be used as a parrying device.
  2. A draped cloak will stop a thrust to any part of the body which is hidden behind it by a distance of greater than 20cm.
  3. A cloak wrapped around the hand or arm will stop a draw or tip cut.
  4. When cloaks are used, "HOLD" should be called if the cloak becomes tangled about either combatant, or about one of the weapons such that the weapon cannot be withdrawn. "HOLD" need not be called if the cloak is merely near the face, deflecting a weapon, loosely draped over, or weighting down the blade.

Rubber Band Guns

  1. Rubber band guns may only be used in a melee scenario.
  2. Where rubber band guns are to be used in a scenario, they shall not be loaded until the combatants are directed to do so by the supervising marshal. Anyone with a loaded rubber band gun off the melee field who is not under Marshallate supervision at the time will have their rubber band gun authorisation suspended immediately.
  3. Once the supervising marshal has permitted rubber band guns to be loaded, reloading may be performed until an event that would stop the scenario occurs, including but not limited to the end of the scenario or a hold call being made. Rubber band guns may not then be reloaded until the supervising marshal gives a new direction to do so.
  4. There is no minimum range at which a rubber band gun may be discharged at an opponent.
  5. The back of the opponent's head shall not be deliberately targeted.
  6. A shot hitting the weapons or rigid parrying devices of a combatant will be considered to have destroyed that weapon/device for the remainder of the scenario.
  7. A shot will be considered to be able to penetrate through any cloak to the body.
  8. If any event occurs where participants may need to remove rigid or penetration resistant armour or if a person not wearing rapier armour is required to enter the scenario, all rubber band guns shall be unloaded, or safely discharged in such a manner as to prevent the ammunition leaving the immediate vicinity of the wielder (e.g. discharging the weapon with the muzzle pressed to the ground). This applies whether the rubber band guns are holstered or not.

Pole Weapons

  1. Any weapon longer than 60" overall, or with a handle longer than 18", but not configured and used in a manner that a marshal would identify as a "sword" is defined to belong to this category of weapon.
  2. Use of this weapon requires a separate authorisation.
  3. In Rapier combat, the only valid attack with a pole weapon is the thrust.
  4. All offensive actions against an opponent's body or weapon must be controlled and involve both hands controlling the pole weapon.
  5. Pole weapons shall be classified as a non-standard weapon for single tournament combat.
  6. A fighter using this type of weapon must have both hands on the weapon and in the same position at the end of an attack as they had at the beginning of the attack. Invalid attacks include "pool cuing", sliding, completely releasing the haft or any other process that reduces the fighter's control of the weapon.
  7. The weapon may not be "set" by bracing the base against the ground or any other immovable object; or against the foot or body; or by locking the back arm.
  8. Cupping the butt of a pole weapon in the palm of the hand is prohibited, as is locking the pole weapon under the arm against the body. The weapon may be held lightly under the arm, such that it is not locked in.
  9. The shaft of a pole weapon may be used to parry or strike an opponent's weapon only.
  10. A pole weapon user cannot use a secondary weapon or item concurrently.