Process for drafting through to publication as a rules change

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  1. Use the Draft namespace - eg Equestrian_Draft:... to draft the new version of the page you want to make changes to.
  2. Highlight changed text with highlighting - check the edit version of this page to see the proper code you need to use. span class="revision", and close the span after the end of the text you've edited with /span
  3. Update the Notes section with what you have changed and why. The Notes section of the draft pages is for your drafting notes, and thoughts for future changes.
    • Ideally in the format of:
    Changed rule number and section name/topic You can use heading formatting for this.
    Text of the previous version of the rule. Copy it from the live version if you've already edited the draft, and forgot what it used to say.
    Text of the new version of the rule. Being able to see the difference can help you spot what text needs to be highlighted, if you haven't already done so.
    Functional change
    What does this change actually mean? None, if you're just fixing grammar or spelling etc. If there is a functional change and the rule now means something else, then this is a rule change that needs approvals.
    Reason for changing this rule
    For notes section
    How you are going to describe this for future reference without quoting the whole change log entry. These notes help people understand what changed when and why. Not needed for fixing grammar or numbering etc.
    If that's too much work, then at least document the rule number, functional change and reason.
  4. Copy the changes from the notes for each section you have changed to the Draft Change log page. The Change log in the draft should only have the changes you are presenting for approval, not previously approved changes. This will include any typos, rewording or layout changes that you have made between approved versions that also need to be logged.
  5. When you are happy with your changes, the Draft PDF link will gather all the pages labelled draft together as a PDF. The highlighted text in the wiki will appear as red text in the PDF.
  6. Check the PDF for any errors - use CTRL F to search for ? question marks where they shouldn't be - it's the replacement character for the wrong format apostrophies or quote marks.


These steps will meet the requirements of the procedures to change the rules

  1. Email the downloaded draft PDF to be approved to the Earl Marshal to approve. Don't send a link to the live draft as the approvals need to be to a static document.
  2. If there are changes required, make the amendements in the draft wiki pages in consultation with the Earl Marshal, then resend the PDF for official approval by the Earl Marshal.
  3. When you receive the email approving the draft from the Earl Marshal, forward or attach this email and its attachments, and send to the Crown and Kingdom Seneschal for approval, ccing in the Earl Marshal.
    • The Crown may have opinions about particular rule changes, especially where Society has relaxed a rule that our Crown wishes to keep more restrictive.
    • The Kingdom Seneschal may be aware of issues that are potentially problematic for the Board and Committee that should be addressed ahead of sending changes to them.
  4. If there are changes required, make the amendements in the draft wiki pages in consultation with the Earl Marshal, then repeat all of the approval steps.
  5. When you receive the email approving the draft from each of the Crown and Kingdom Seneschal, forward/attach these emails and their attachments, and send to the Board of SCA Ltd Australia (via and Committee of SCA New Zealand Inc (via for approval, ccing in the Earl Marshal.
    • The Board of SCALA and Committee of SCANZ will discuss the changes at their next meeting (or potentially an out-of-schedule meeting). They may have concerns that mean changes need to be made to what is proposed.
    • The Board of SCALA will present the draft rules to the organisation's insurer to ensure that we meet our obligations of full disclosure of our activities. They may also have concerns that mean changes need to be made to what is proposed. (Eg. our insurance company prevented us from using crossbows against moving targets in the parts of Australia where they are legal)
    • The Board and Committee have legal liability when it comes to our rule sets, so have final say in whether they are acceptable.
  6. If there are changes required, make the amendements in the draft wiki pages in consultation with the Earl Marshal, then repeat all of the approval steps.


Once you have a complete set of approvals:

  1. Establish when the rules will go live - when will they be announced in court? You will need to make the changes to the live version the night before (or other agreed time if the court announcement is that the changes will be live on a particular date)
  2. Copy each updated page (some sections may not need to be updated at all) from the draft page to the live version of the page (don't forget to take draft out of the category).
    • Use "CTRL F" to search the edit screen for "<span" and delete up to the end of revision"> each time it occurs on the page
    • Repeat you CTRL F search, this time with </span, and delete up to the end of the >.
    • Use the Show preview button to check that you have them all, and it looks the way it should.
    • Include the approval in the change summary field before you hit Save Changes - eg Approved by Board and Committee on X of April 2023.
  3. Update the Notes page for that section to tell people about what changed when and why. Use the information you wrote as part of the change log.
  4. Add the change log of your changes to the live change log page (don't overwrite it)
  5. Once you have included all the changes in the live pages, got to the Title page for your handbook, and update the version number. Versions with change approvals from the Board and Committee get a whole number increment. Minor changes to fix typos etc get a .X increment.
  6. Check the PDF for any errors - use CTRL F to search for ? question marks where they shouldn't be - it's the replacement character for the wrong format apostrophies.
  7. Download a copy of the PDF for your records.
  8. Email to get the change announcement published in the kingdom newsletter.
  9. Make anouncements on mailing lists:
    • The relevant kingdom-wide mailing list for the activity
  10. Make announcements on social media
    • The Lochac Facebook group
    • The relevant kingdom-wide Facebook group for the activity