Authorisation of Marshals

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  1. Combatant authorisation procedures can be found in Combat Authorisation Requirements.
  2. The Earl Marshal may, at their discretion, allow alternative authorisation procedures if those described below would be impractical.
  3. You must complete and send the authorisation form, signed by the authorising marshal(s) to the Kingdom Lists Officer. It is the candidate's responsibility to see that the Lists Officer receives the completed paperwork in a timely manner.

Renewing marshal authorisations

  1. If your authorisation has expired in the last 4 weeks, your authorisation may be renewed rather than needing to be done as a new authorisation.
  2. An Auxiliary Marshal authorisation is automatically renewed as part of a heavy combat (re)authorisation (if held), unless the authorising marshal has a reason to withold it.
  3. At the discretion of the marshal performing the renewal, recent marshal activity by the candidate (eg marshalling a tournament or war) may be counted as demonstrating marshalling ability; holding a separate bout or scenario purely for renewal purposes does not need to happen.
  4. The authorising marshal must be satisfied that you are aware of any changes which have happened in the rules since your last authorisation or renewal.
  5. The authorising marshal must not perform a "tick-box" authorisation; they must take the time and ensure that you are competent.

Authorising as an Auxiliary Marshal

  1. Only a Senior Marshal can authorise an Auxiliary Marshal.
  2. If you are authorised for armoured combat, you are automatically authorised as an auxiliary marshal (unless you are under 18).
  3. Auxiliary Marshal authorisations are separate for each type of combat (eg armoured combat, rapier, etc).
  4. You must show the authorising Senior Marshal that:
    1. You are familiar with:
    2. You can use the Lochac handbooks to find the details of Lochac armour and weapons standards, when you need them
    3. You can function safely on the field.

Authorising as a Marshal

  1. Only a Senior Marshal can authorise a Marshal.
  2. You must have been authorised as an Auxiliary Marshal in that field (e.g. Armoured Combat) before you are authorised as a Marshal.
  3. You must show the authorising Senior Marshal that you:
    1. Understand the responsibilities of the role
    2. Have good working knowledge of, and willingness and confidence to enforce:
      1. the Rules of the Lists
      2. the Lochac rules and conventions of combat
      3. the Lochac armour and weapon standards
      4. the way disputes are dealt with by the Lochac Marshallate
      5. the injury-reporting procedures
    3. Can inspect armour and a variety of weapons. You should conduct an armour inspection, and weapons inspection of the major common weapon types, under the supervision of the authorising Senior Marshal and to their satisfaction.
    4. Can safely control SCA combat, whether it is single combat, team combat, general melee, or part of a war environment. The authorising marshal must have personally observed the you functioning as a marshal in a variety of situations.

Authorisation of Senior Marshals

  1. t takes two Senior Marshals to authorise another Senior Marshal.
  2. Only one senior marshal is required to renew an authorisation for another Senior Marshal.
  3. You must have been authorised as a Marshal before you are authorised as a Senior Marshal.
  4. You must show the authorising Senior Marshals that you have a thorough knowledge of, and willingness and confidence to enforce:
    1. the Rules of the Lists
    2. the Lochac rules and conventions of combat
    3. the Lochac armour and weapon standards
    4. the procedures for authorising combatants and marshals
    5. the way disputes are dealt with by the Lochac Marshallate
    6. the injury-reporting procedures
  5. The authorising Senior Marshals must have personally observed you functioning as a marshal in a variety of situations.
  6. The Kingdom Earl Marshal may, at their discretion, waive the requirement for the second Senior Marshal or may grant the authorisation themselves after conducting a thorough test of the candidate by phone. Voice communication is the important thing here but it doesn't need to be a land-line telephone, Skype etc count.
  7. A new Senior marshal may not conduct authorisations until they have received their card from the lists officer (signed paperwork isn't enough) This is to make sure that the new Senior Marshal is in the lists database before the Lists officer tries to process paperwork from anyone the new Senior Marshal authorises.

Authorisation of Siege Marshals

  1. It takes a Senior Marshal and a Siege Marshal, or a Senior Marshal who is themselves a Siege Marshal, to authorise another Siege Marshal.
  2. You must have been authorised as a Marshal to be authorised as a Siege Marshal.
  3. You must show the authorising Marshals that you know:
    1. The rules governing siege combat in Lochac. (You also need to be aware that different countries and states in Lochac have different real-world laws that affect SCA siege combat.)
    2. The different types of siege engine and ammunition (Ballista/Arbalest, Catapult/Onager, and Trebuchets both counterweight and man-powered)
    3. The inspection processes and hazards specific to each type of engine.
  4. You must show the ability to:
      1. Inspect different types of siege engine.
      2. Identify and inspect different types of siege ammunition.
  5. A new Siege Marshal may not conduct authorisations until they have received their card from the lists officer (signed paperwork isn't enough). This is to make sure that the new Siege Marshal is in the lists database before the Lists officer tries to process paperwork from anyone the new Siege Marshal authorises.