Archery notes:Basic Rules
"If you are taking part in, or just watching the archery, you must follow the instructions of the Target Archery Marshal(s) running the shoot, concerning safety and the competition. If you won’t or can’t, then you can be asked to leave."
This rule is from the Society Target Archery Marshal's Handbook (October 2016): II.E "If you are taking part in, or just watching the archery, you must follow the instructions of the Target Archery Marshal(s) running the shoot, concerning safety and the competition. If you won’t or can’t, then you can be asked to leave." and; IX.G "The Target Archery Marshal-in-Charge may remove archers exhibiting unsafe behavior from the range." and; XI.E "All archers shall follow the instructions of the Target Archery Marshal-in- Charge and of Target Archery Marshals assisting on the line."